
Showing posts from February 9, 2024
I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


South Korean soldiers questioning a Vietnamese woman, 1970s

It’s a m44 pattern mosin, and has no scope. Mosins are not very good marksmanship rifles, especially a short carbine without a scope. The Vietnamese got a lot of those rifles from China and Russia, not everyone with a bolt action was a sniper. Additionally, if one looks at the bolt handle, you can see it hasn't been modified with the angle to accommodate a scope. I do wonder if the person meant that she was acting as a sniper, in that she was taking pot shots at troops, open sights, but not actively trying to take a position or defend one. Take some pot shots, hope you don't get caught, and then things get real when the ROK troops show up in a bad mood. Generally-speaking, how frequent were long-range engagements? I imagine most ambushes in Vietnam were going to be pretty damn close range. Fire a shot, then run like hell. They massacred civilians everywhere they went. Korea, Vietnam, Palestine. The ROK Army was basically a mercenary army back during the Cold War. They'd go ...

German soldiers execute civilians from the Yugoslavian town of Pancevo (north of Belgrade). 36 civilians were executed by Oberstleutenant Wilhelm von Stockhausen. April 22nd, 1941

German soldiers execute civilians from the Yugoslavian town of Pancevo (north of Belgrade). 36 civilians were executed by Oberstleutenant Wilhelm von Stockhausen. April 22nd, 1941 In the second photo the man standing next to the guy with the pistol is SS. You can tell because the SS wore the eagle on the arm, as well as on the front pocket. Overall though looks like the killer and the rest of the troops are Wehrmacht. Partisan reprisals. The Wehrmacht and SS killed indiscriminately under the guise of  Bandenbekämpfung  (or "bandit-fighting"). A German patrol would take a couple potshots, and then they'd target the surrounding populace for revenge. On the Eastern Front, this led to the complete annihilation of entire villages, and was essentially an excuse for killing the locals. If they're all marked for death or slavery anyway, there's no point in trying to actually track down the combatants. Plus there's the "justification" (in the minds of the per...

Audie Murphy is an overrated Gary Stu who, by becoming the most decorated U.S soldier during ww2, completely invalidated the accomplishments of Alvin York

Audie Murphy is an overrated Gary Stu who, by becoming the most decorated U.S soldier during ww2, completely invalidated the accomplishments of Alvin York (the most decorated U.S soldier during ww1). Not only that but York was only a Sergeant but they made this new guy into a First Lieutenant?!? Not only did they invalidate the fantastic ending of world war one or as us TRUE history fans call it "The Great War" by having Germany come back again (lazy writing) but they had the AUDACITY to tell Alvan York that he was too old to participate in this rehash then they replaced him with Audie Murphy (better know as Audie Mur-ay Sue) who then goes on to out-rank York by the end of the war They called it "the war to end all wars", it had a perfect story arc, perfect character development, such engaging plot beats, and a truly beautiful ending inspiring hope. And then world leaders shat all over it and just did a Great War 2.0 but with better visuals and explosions. In the tr...

Woman forced to flee naked from a window after being caught in bed by cheating lover's wife

A woman was caught running through the streets naked after reportedly being caught-out by her  cheating  lover's wife. Local media reported she had jumped from a nearby window, before dashing across the road as she attempted to protect her modesty.  The bizarre incident was caught on camera by astonished onlookers in the central Russian city of Perm, in the Perm Krai region. The bizarre incident was caught on camera by astonished onlookers in the central Russian city of Perm, in the Perm Krai region. The slender redhead was caught running past an equestrian centre, before she made a dash for it across a busy road. The woman tried in vain to protect her modesty with her arms as she walked along pavements and across a busy road. Local media reported that she had been having an  affair  with a married man and had jumped out of a window after his wife came home unexpectedly. Online users however came up with their own reasons for her lack of clothes after the pictur...

Bizarre moment half-naked Russian women brawl in the backseat of a taxi in China

Bizarre moment half-naked Russian women brawl in the backseat of a taxi in China Video shows two scantily dressed women attack each other in the back of a taxi while onlookers watched on in shock. The blonde women can be heard yelling at each other in Russian as they kick and pull at one another in the backseat somewhere in China. The short video has garnered almost 150,000 views in the 11 hours since it was posted to  Live Leak . The footage opens with a woman in the backseat wearing a red mini skirt and white bustier top kick a fellow blonde who was sitting in the front, as a man heckled them to leave the red taxi. A group of men crowded around and watched on in shock, appearing unsure of what to do 'Let's go, let's go,' the man yelled, as the camera zooms in on the woman in the back pulling at the other's hair. The woman in red then jumped on top of the other, revealing her lacy black g-string to the camera as the fight wore on. A third woman, wearing a white dre...

The Bizarre Story Of Patty Hearst, The Kidnapped Heiress Who Joined The Symbionese Liberation Army

"First person puts up his head, I'll blow his motherf**king head off!"⁠ That's what publishing heiress Patty Hearst said as she robbed a San Francisco bank on April 15, 1974. But she didn't introduce herself by her birth name. Instead, she reportedly called herself "Tania," the name she'd taken after joining the Symbionese Liberation Army, a leftist guerrilla group. It was a shocking transformation for the apolitical 19-year-old — especially since the SLA had actually kidnapped Hearst from her Berkeley home just a couple of months prior. The bank incident led many to believe that Hearst was forced into joining the group while in captivity. But others were convinced that she was genuinely radicalized, especially since just one month later, she fired multiple bullets outside of a Los Angeles store to help her "comrades" escape from being arrested for shoplifting. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ In 1974, a group of leftist radicals calling themselves the “Symbionese Li...

Captured Soviet female soldier

At this point she’d face a better fate just trying to fight back and being shot outright. The horrors she faced before she most likely was tortured/rap3d to death. The photo shows a female POW that will be killed, and most likely raped and mutilated within a few minutes in accordance to the German view on  Flintenweiber . On June 29, 1941, Günther von Kluge, commander in chief of the German 4th Army, ordered his subordinates:  ”Women in uniform are to be shot” . Walther von Reichenau, commander of the 6th Army, issued an infamous order  ”On the treatment of Partisans, Flintenweiber and Political Commissars”  in October 1941 that stated that  ”degenerate broads made into POWs”  were to be executed on the spot. Ernst hammer, commander of the 75th Infantry Division issued a similar order around the same time stating that  ”womenfolk in Russian uniforms are to be shot immediately on principle” . The 4th Panzer Division had a similar order in effect also fr...

German soldier with a Soviet female POW in a field, 1941

Dude looks like he was just in the middle of something with the POW and looked up to see a bunch of Soviet soldiers staring at him. He looks caught off guard and his gear is messed up (off to the side). My guess is camera persons took this pic while an altercation betweeen the two was going on or had just finished. Plus the grass (or whatever there standing in) is all pushed down which indicates signs od a ground struggle Sick fuck is holding his belt as if he was removing it. Knowing that 10 million women were raped by the Wehrmacht on the eastern front, Im fairly certain that the same will unfortunately be her fate His right hand appears to be holding the magazine on an MP-38/40, in a barrel up position. Can't quite tell what's going on with the left hand. The cartridge belt is on sideways, anyway. Unless he invented a new fashion trend, I would assume he's been thrashing around and the belt shifted. Not good. 60 Minutes did a story on rape of Soviet women by German soldi...

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