
Showing posts from November 20, 2023
I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


Colonial Masters Posing With Women In The 70s

Colonial Masters Posing With Women In The 70s Here is the moment when the colonial masters are posing with women... Read story  Hammock boys carry a railway engineer/track inspector in colonial Nigeria, 1910. Hammock boys, as they were referred to by the colonial masters, were paid 25-30 shillings carrying their masters from village to village.  “When we speak of ‘shooting’ with a camera, we are acknowledging the kinship of photography and violence.” Teju Cole This visual essay will assess the ways in which early photography was used as a tool to justify Europe’s colonial project in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries, by depicting Black Africans as inferior to white Europeans. It will also consider how the camera was used during the same period in the United States for a similar purpose, namely, to further the cause of white racial superiority. Africa: photography and the colonial project The invention of photography occurred at a most opportune moment for Eur...


MEET WOMAN THAT BREAKS WORLD RECORD BY SL*EPING WITH 919 MEN The American Matured movie actress and director Lisa sparks popularly called Lisa Sparxxx (born October 6, 1977) who is 37years oldcompeted against two other women one of which was the former world record holder who literally made love with 759 men in a day. The very nature of their work requires them to make love to many different people. But one person took this to the extreme, and in the process created a new world record. That person is matured movie actress Lisa Sparxxx who made love to 919 men in only one day. She achieved this record by making love with 919 men over a period of 12 hours. That would mean she spent only 45 seconds making love with each man, which is about 13.5 seconds longer than is often necessary. On the day Lisa Sparks won the competition by only 21 men. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO .

This is the bizarre moment a naked tourist was found swimming in the sea while hallucinating

Naked tourist  This is the bizarre moment a naked tourist was found swimming in the sea while hallucinating - and refused to get onto a boat for THREE HOURS. Timo Perttola, 32, had been drinking at bars along the seafront in Pattaya, Thailand, last Friday night. But the Finnish man had  a ‘’strange turn’’ before running past stunned onlookers and leaping off a pier into the chilly water, according rescue workers who found him. Police and marine officers in two different boats caught up with him 1km out at sea where he spent three hours treading water convinced that the officials were trying to attack him. They say in English ‘’we come to help you’’ but Timo dodges lasso ropes and swims away from them - even hurling a rubber ring back to them. Rescuers eventually persuaded him to climb aboard the boat three hours later and he was taken to hospital but checked himself out and disappeared again. Marine officer Kittichai Satadchacha, 26, said: ‘’The man just ran to the end ...

Naked dead body reported to police turns out to be a discarded blow up doll

Naked dead body reported to police turns out to be a discarded blow up doll Police rushed to a scene in the Netherlands this week following reports of a dumped naked dead body. Approaching the remains with caution, officers called for an ambulance an put a cordon in place. The area, which was situated just off of the A17 near Klundert, was treated as a crime scene. However, it wasn’t until officers got closer that they realised ‘the dead body’ wasn’t actually ever alive to begin with. Because it was a blow up doll… which had been stuffed with newspapers. Awkward. The saddest part about the situation is that the call came in on Christmas Day. So local officers were forced to leave their turkey and trimmings to deal with the plastic remains of a thrown out doll. Colleagues came and saw from a distance a naked person lying on his stomach next to a trash bin. Colleagues approached the person as a crime scene. ‘Once they were close to the person, he turned out to be an inflatable doll...

'Dead woman's naked body' found in creek turns out to be abandoned sex doll

'Dead woman's naked body' found in creek turns out to be abandoned sex doll Brittney Pennington, 25, was terrified when she spotted a foot in the water and called the cops, only for them to discover the "body" was a hyper-realistic sex doll A terrified mum in the US called the cops and had her garden sealed off as a crime scene - only for them to discover the naked "deceased female" she had found was an abandoned sex doll. Brittney Pennington, 25, and boyfriend Taylor Day, 29, were fishing for bass in the creek at the bottom of their garden in Virginia Beach, Virginia on August 20 when they spied what looked like a foot poking out of some rocks. Phlebotomist Brittney spent 20 minutes anxiously peering at the rocky outcrop 50ft out in the water, and eventually used a pair of binoculars to get a clearer look. "We were down there and Taylor suddenly said 'that's a foot on the rocks, it's either a really detailed mannequin or it's ...

Lady Cut Off Her Boyfriend "Penis" As A Punishment For Cheating On Her

Lady Cut Off Her Boyfriend "Penis" As A Punishment For Cheating On Her (VIDEO) Lady Cut off her Boyfriend "Penis" as a punishment for Cheating on her (VIDEO) The lady who said her name is Vicky Mark was caught with remain of the penis in her hand. She said that she intentionally Cut off the Penis after the boyfriend Refuse to stop cheating on her. According to the report, the lady allegedly drugged her boyfriend while he was deep asleep she carried out the evil plans, when she was asked the reason for doing such a barbaric act, she confessed to have warned her boyfriend to Stay away from women, but he wouldn't listen to Her. Video Below CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO .

Side Chick Escapes From Window After Madam Of The House Comes Home Unexpected

Side Chick Escapes From Window After Madam Of The House Comes Home Unexpected Here is a video of the moment a cheating husband told his side chick to jump out from the window and hide after his wife came home unexpectedly. Passers by who saw the lady were busy taking pictures and making video of the lady as they criticize her action. Cheating Husband Throws Mistress From Bedroom Window As Wife Returns Home [VIDEO] Check out the bizarre moment a lady was thrown out of the window of her sugar daddy’s home after the real owner of the house arrived. The young lady simply identified as Wemi escaped the looming anger of the ‘gods’ when her manfriend reportedly threw her from his home’s bedroom window just as his wife arrived home unexpectedly. A neighbour who saw Wemi uploaded the video online. The shameless side chick who almost got injured however braved up and waved at the neighbour who recorded her video as she walked away from the scene. This reportedly happened in Abuja. Wa...

Side Chick Caught Jumping From Window After Wife Returns Home Unexpected

Video – Side Chick Caught Jumping From Window After Wife Returns Home Unexpected  We have seen many yawa videos, but this one has gotten much of our attention and that of many social media users. This yawa video features a runs girl who was caught by her friends on camera jumping out of the window of her sugar daddy’s room when his wife returned home unexpectedly. The viral video which is currently trending on social media captured the moment a side chick of the said married man was escaping through the window of the house after her lover’s wife came knocking. The video is now gaining momentum on the internet after making it’s way to several popular blogs. Trust us, Toktok9ja don’t carry last in getting this kind of content, and yes we have the video for your watching pleasure. In the video, the lady was seen scaling out of a room from its window while a supposed friend who probably hung around as a “watchman” could be seen laughing while recording her. According to so...

This woman provided her fellow passengers with their in-flight entertainment as she performed her bizarre exercise routine in her seat

This woman provided her fellow passengers with their in-flight entertainment as she performed her bizarre exercise routine in her seat. Traveller Raad Mobrem was also on board the Los Angeles to Mexico flight and decided to film her moves and live tweet her antics. He told ABC 13 news in the USA: "We were all laughing cause this was in my opinion the best in-flight entertainment I've ever had." Mr Mobrem started to make up names for the intricate moves, naming one the dragonfly shuffle and another the raptor spirit. Holidaymaker confused by airport X-ray machine gets in with his bag in this hilarious footage But it was when the woman went to perform her second headstand in her seat next to a sleeping man the flight attendant stepped in. Mr Mobrem added: "She was saying, like 'Miss, if you could please stop doing that?' And the lady's like, 'I guess.' "She was a little weird, I'll be honest, but she seemed like a sweet lady too. ...

Cabin crew secrets: Passenger left mortified after VERY embarrassing blunder

Cabin crew secrets: Passenger left mortified after VERY embarrassing blunder FLIGHTS see cabin crew welcoming aboard all sorts of passengers and observing all manner of incidents on board. One on occasion a flight attendant witnessed a woman suffering an incredibly embarrassing mishap. Flights for many people are an opportunity to wear comfortable clothes so they can relax as much as possible. However, some fliers make bizarre choices when it comes to their travelling wardrobe. A flight attendant has revealed she once spotted a woman who was left red-faced by her odd fashion decision. Betty N. Thesky unveiled the embarrassing wardrobe malfunction in her book ‘Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase.’ “We were flying from Bermuda back to New York and there was a very classy woman sitting in first class,” a flight attendant Betty spoke to said. “She was wearing a tropical island kind of dress, a wrap-around affair. When we arrived and first class was disembarking she reached up to get something...

13-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth When She Put Her Daughter In Her Lap The Unexpected Happened

13-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth When She Put Her Daughter In Her Lap The Unexpected Happened What happened when a 13-year-old put her baby in her lap left everyone stunned. Maddie Lambert and her boyfriend Isaac were two young people in a relationship. He was 15 and she was 13 when they started dating. He was their first real boyfriend and the two of them got along really well. They were both in love and their young love was reckless. The duo never thought about the consequences of their action as long as they were having fun. Everyone thought their relationship was going well, but things changed on Maddie’s sister’s birthday. They had been dating for over five months, but on this day, Isaac broke up with her. He stated that because they were indifferent high schools and he felt like things were changing, so he thought it was best to end the relationship. The 13-year-old was devastated by this news. She loved Isaac so much and their breakup was very hard for her to take. The teenager was ...


FIVE PUNISHMENTS In China in the 19th century there was a brutal "complex" penalty called "Five Punishments." The sentenced offender was branded, then his legs and hands were cut off, then beaten with sticks, his head was cut off, and he was put on public display. “Five penalties”, wu xing, was a general term referring to all the main punishments  in ancient Chinese legal system from the Xia (about 2100 B.C.-1600B.C) to the Qing  Dynasty (1644-1911A.D.).Just as humiliation is a historical-cultural-social construct  (Lindner,2007),“five penalties” is a psychologicalculturalsocialhistorical format in nature. In this paper, we first make a very brief introduction to the nature of xing and  its relations with fa (law), then have a historical glimpse over the inner changes in wu  xing, and analyze it psychologically, culturally, socially and historically 1 Etymological meaning of xing related to fa and lü  Etymologically, xing has the following meanings...

The apartheid police assassins enjoyed doing their gruesome jobs and were never punished for it

SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORY  AT THE MERCY OF EVIL MEN: THE THINGS THEY DID TO US WERE UNGODLY AND HUMANLY UNIMAGINABLE. The apartheid police assassins enjoyed doing their gruesome jobs and were never punished for it. I have personally been there. The hopelessness of being alone and surrounded by 5 huge rugby player-type professional killers and psychos in a dark “interrogation room”, with a bright light shining in your face, blinding you, is traumatic. I always expected to be strangled from could feel them breathing down your neck to intimidate you. These cowardly killers, with dark hoods to hide their faces, and speaking in Afrikaans, putting words in your mouth while accusing you of lies reported to them by their treacherous black spies and informants. When you walked under killer police escort to the 10th floor of the Security Police at the John Vorster Square in Jo’burg, you said your last prayers. You never expected to come out of there alive- this 10th floor is where m...

For every case of injustice highlighted by the appeal court, the settlers could point to another Mau Mau atrocity that enraged European sensibilities

For every case of injustice highlighted by the appeal court, the settlers could point to another Mau Mau atrocity that enraged European sensibilities. Just two months after the appeal court judgement in the Bruxnor-Randall case, the settlers had an answer to the bleating from the Bench when the most disturbing Mau Mau European murder of all took place, an event that reinforced white opinion that Mau Mau 'was lost in the haunted wilderness of superstition'. The murder was carried out under the direction of the infamous General Tanganyika. Like many other fighters who had by then been in the forests for nearly two years, Tanganyika had taken to consulting Kikuyu female prophets for guidance on the conduct of the campaign. One such prophet, known by the name Mama Mwangi, instructed that a European should be sacrificed in the manner of a Kikuyu leader who had died in British custody before the end of the nineteenth century. That leader, named Waiyaki, was popularly believed ...

Communist Victory: Fascists Hung Upside Down

Communist Victory: Fascists Hung Upside Down OnThisDay (28 April), 1945, fascist tyrant Benito Mussolini was hanged by Italian communists and partisans. Walter Audisio an Italian communist is primarily known for his involvement in the capture and execution of Mussolini. Audisio, also known by his partisan nickname "Colonel Valerio," was a member of the Italian Communist Party and a prominent figure in the anti-fascist resistance movement. In April 1945, as Allied forces advanced towards Italy, Mussolini attempted to escape to Switzerland but was captured by partisans near Lake Como. Walter Audisio's role in the capture and execution of Mussolini remains a notable chapter in Italian history, reflecting the tumultuous period of the country's transition from fascism to a democratic system. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO .

A young mule heading to the slaughterhouse while hanged upside down

A young mule heading to the slaughterhouse while hanged upside down. This is how the meat industry treats living beings who have feelings - as if they are garbage. You don't have to let this misery be a part of your diet, try the 22 day vegan challenge Innocent cows heading to the slaughterhouse while hanged upside down. This is how the the meat industry treats living beings who have feelings - as if they are lifeless objects. Some human beings are  devils incarnate.Why would someone with a brain between his or her ears do such a despicable act to an innocent animal?This is a blood-chilling act of brutality that only demons would do.    The person deserves to be hanged upside down,the cane to be used on him smeared with the hottest pepper,given 100 strokes of the cane,1000 fleas poured on his body,locked in prison and the keys thrown in the Indian ocean. Such acts of cowardice,barbarousness and savagery can't be tolerated in the 21st century.The culprit has to...

Young man in NTT hanged upside down as punishment for running away with girlfriend

Young man in NTT hanged upside down as punishment for running away with girlfriend A young man in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) was hanged upside down as punishment for allegedly attempting to elope with his girlfriend in what appears to be a relationship disapproved by the girl’s family. A video of the vile abuse triggered public outrage after it gained traction online over the past few days. The incident, which reportedly took place in Southwest Sumba regency, was filmed in a 71-second video and uploaded to a local community group on Facebook on Oct. 24, by an account claiming to be the mother of the boy.  The video showed the boy, who has since been identified as MMN, hanging upside down with his head touching the ground, surrounded by many onlookers sitting or standing idly by, two of whom were men clad in the Indonesian Military (TNI) uniform. MMN appeared unconscious throughout the footage. The original uploader, who goes by Tujuh Juli Yuli on Facebook and said that she’s a...

The Execution of Rebecca Smith

The Execution of Rebecca Smith Rebecca Smith was the last British woman to be executed for the infanticide of her own child. She was convicted of killing her infant son Richard, and was publicly hanged at Devizes, Wiltshire, on 23 August, despite two petitions for mercy being sent to the Home Secretary. After her trial she confessed to having poisoned seven of her other children. The execution of Rebecca Smith took place on Saturday forenoon, in front of the Prison, Devizes. It is impossible to give anything like a correct calculation of the number of persons present to witness the awful scene, they were countless. From nine until eleven o’clock people poured into the towns in shoals – on foot, in wagons, boats, and by the latter hour, the prison yard, the banks of the canal, every tree, hedge, and field that could command a view of the drop, appeared crammed. Still the roads were lined with persons thronging to the spot. Some families bought a long their young children and had a...

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