
Showing posts from December 14, 2023
I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


She Beats Her Cheating Husband With A Shovel And Filmed It On Video

She Beats Her Cheating Husband With A Shovel And Filmed It On Video! The punishment given by an unnamed woman to her husband who cheated on her became the agenda in a short time on social media. When she got home, the woman who beat her husband with another woman offered her two options. When the man chose punishment from the options of divorce or punishment, the revenge of the cheated wife surprised everyone. The punishment given by the unnamed woman who caught her husband with another woman in the images that created the agenda on social media was an event. After seeing her husband with another woman,  the woman asked him to choose between “divorce or punishment”, and when the man chose punishment,she made a move that no one and watch the video   The woman asked her husband to lie face down on the bed. Then she pulled down his pants and started hitting his hips with the wooden shovel in her hand. IT HAS BEEN AGENDA IN SOCIAL MEDIA The sentence of the wom...

Horrified woman catches 'naked witches' feasting on deer's corpse with wildlife cam

Horrified woman catches 'naked witches' feasting on deer's corpse with wildlife cam A nature-loving woman says she was left terrified after she claimed to have documented evidence of two naked “witches” chowing down on a dead deer in a “carcass-eating ritual”. Corinea Stanhope, from Powell River in Canada, said that after she found a dead deer on her property, she set up a hidden wildlife camera to see what sort of animals would be attracted to it... read and watch the video  But the mum, 36, was disturbed when she and her grandad checked the camera’s footage and saw two near-naked women hunkered over the deer’s corpse while seemingly “dining” on it. Pictures handed over to the Mirror reveal two pale, half-naked figures with thick matted hair crouching over the dead deer. The two terrifying figures were seen picking up one of the deer’s hooves and biting into it. Pictures handed over to the Mirror reveal two pale, half-naked figures with thick matted hair crouching over the...

Woman falls off flyover in Shenzhen and dies while having sex with boyfriend who subsequently flees the scene

Woman falls off flyover in Shenzhen and dies while having sex with boyfriend who subsequently flees the scene Woman falls off flyover in Shenzhen and dies while having sex with boyfriend who subsequently flees the scene 18th February 2023 – (Shenzhen) A recent incident in the Mainland has been making the rounds on the internet, involving a couple who decided to engage in sexual activity on a flyover in Shenzhen, Guangdong. Unfortunately, their sizzling adventure ended in tragedy when the woman fell off the bridge and landed naked on the road below before passing away.  According to witnesses, the incident occurred around 2am in the morning on 16th February. A woman was found naked on the flyover at the East Square of Shenzhen North Railway Station in Longhua District, Shenzhen, with no signs of life. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the woman seemed to have slipped and fallen from the overpass while engaging in sexual intercourse with her boyfriend. It was also reported t...

Puzzling artifacts found at Europe's oldest battlefield

Puzzling artifacts found at Europe's oldest battlefield Tollense valley battlefield in northern Germany is considered Europe’s oldest battlefield site. 3300 years ago, some 4000 warriors from Central Europe fought in a battle on the site leaving behind thousands of bone fragments, bronze, wooden and flint weapons, and gold and bronze objects. Archaeologists have spent decades trying to figure out who fought near Germany's Tollense River some 3,300 years ago. Now, an unusual cache deepens the mystery of the brutal battle...  Since 1997, archaeologists have been excavating miles of land along the Tollense River in northern Germany and recovering the weapons and remains of hundreds of men who fought on its banks here around 1,200 B.C... The sheer scale and violence at Tollense— considered Europe’s oldest battlefield site—put to rest a stubborn 20th-century idea that Bronze Age Europe was a relatively peaceful place. But what prompted the fighting at Tollense? Was this a battle bet...

PICTURED: Naked woman's danger dance on 11th floor air conditioning

PICTURED: Naked woman's danger dance on 11th floor air conditioning  On this day,12 MAY 2014, a woman drew huge crowds after she climbed onto an external air conditioning unit and started DANCING The woman, who was high on drugs at the time, climbed out of the window sill of the 11th floor of a posh hotel in southern China... watch video and read more  Police and firemen had gathered to the scene, initially thinking that the woman was about to kill herself by hurling herself to the ground below. But the huge crowd who had gathered at the hotel were instead treated to the sight of the woman dancing on the small unit. Police spokesman Shi Wan said: "She showed absolutely no interest in speaking to the negotiators, she also didn't seem particularly suicidal although she was very excitable. An officer inside the bedroom handed the woman a towel to cover herself up and had tried to lure her inside with the promise of food and drink. After that was rejected, it was the voice of ...

Hi honey!' Naked man breaks into a woman's house and tries to hug her before jumping 50 feet down a cliff and getting stuck in a tree

'Hi honey!' Naked man breaks into a woman's house and tries to hug her before jumping 50 feet down a cliff and getting stuck in a tree A mother-of-two who suffers from muscular dystrophy has described the terrifying and bizarre moment a naked man burst into her living room before trying to hug her while saying: 'Hi, honey.' Gail Wilson, a former corrections officer from Pendleton, Oregon, said she thought she was going to be raped or killed after suspect Steven S. Burton, 30, broke into her home on Saturday. Wilson said the traumatizing incident only stopped when she called the police, Burton fled her home and attempted to jump 50ft into a river before getting stuck in a tree. The incident began around lunchtime on Saturday, according to the East Oregonian, when Wilson was sitting in her home eating soup while husband Robert and her two children were out of the house...  She said that Burton suddenly appeared in the doorway of her home naked and with a big grin acro...

On this day, Apr 21 2020, A LITTLE girl was left dangling 50ft in the air being hoisted up on a powerline by oblivious workmen

On this day, Apr 21 2020, A LITTLE girl was left dangling 50ft in the air being hoisted up on a powerline by oblivious workmen Girl, 9, left hanging from powerline 50ft in the air after playing on cables being hoisted up by oblivious workers Video shows the girl screaming for help as she hangs on for dear life during the ordeal in Curug, Indonesia.   The child, 9, was playing near the powerlines while they were still being installed, reports the Jakarta Post. She grabbed hold of one of the cables while it was still hanging low when the workmen raised it into the air - leaving her hanging on.. read and watch the video  Desperately clinging for her life, she was raised higher and she was too scared to let go. Quick-thinking locals noticed and rushed to help, getting a mattress and placing it beneath the girl to catch her as she fell.  Miraculously, she survived the eventual fall with only minor injuries and was taken to hospital. The 66 second long video has horrified ...

Clifford Hoyt, 31, suffered serious injuries in a car accident in 1999

Clifford Hoyt, 31, suffered serious injuries in a car accident in 1999. After he regained consciousness, he told a terrified nurse that he had died and visited hell. He told her of the torture and anguish he experienced in frightening detail. He refused psychological treatment and was released. Several weeks later, Hoyt's neighbours complained that strange music was coming from his apartment at all hours of the night. Upon investigation, the landlord found Hoyt in this condition. Hoyt was still quite lucid and protested when the landlord attempted to call the police....  Concerned for the damage caused to his apartment, the landlord took several photographs, which the above is an example of. He left and contacted Hoyt's family, who contacted authorities.  Hoyt claimed that demons from hell were still trying to capture him. He explained that his body would burn constantly unless he played music to scare the demons away. He would only leave his house for short periods of time to...

Brazen Bull Torture Device, Invention & Purpose

Brazen Bull Torture Device, Invention & Purpose The Brazen Bull What was the brazen bull? The brazen bull was a contraption of torture and execution used by the Ancient Greeks and Romans to punish their enemies. This life-sized bull-shaped statue of brass or bronze was hollow so that victims could be locked inside its stomach and then roasted alive. Flute-like pipes would carry the victim's screams through the bull's nostrils, creating lowing animalistic music while the smoke of the scorched flesh billowed out as puffs of incense. What was the brazen bull? The brazen bull was a contraption of torture and execution used by the Ancient Greeks and Romans to punish their enemies. This life-sized bull-shaped statue of brass or bronze was hollow so that victims could be locked inside its stomach and then roasted alive. Flute-like pipes would carry the victim's screams through the bull's nostrils, creating lowing animalistic music while the smoke of the scorched flesh bill...

Movie scene depicting the execution of Dutch exotic dancer and spy Mata Hari by a French firing squad on October 15, 1917

Movie scene depicting the execution of Dutch exotic dancer and spy Mata Hari by a French firing squad on October 15, 1917 Today 106 years ago, on October 15, 1917, the Dutch exotic dancer Margaretha Zelle, better known as Mata Hari, was executed by the French for espionage. Margaretha Geertruida Zelle was born on August 7, 1876 in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, to an entrepreneurial father who was able to give her a lavish childhood with a good education. As a girl, she was known for being flamboyant and often appearing in flashy dresses. Though in 1889 her life changed dramatically, as her father went bankrupt, and in 1891 her mother passed away. In 1895, at the age of 18, Margaretha married a 38-year-old Dutch officer, and went to live with him in Dutch Indonesia. Their marriage was plagued by the age gap and financial struggles, but they had 2 children, one of which passed away at the age of 2. The couple was divorced in 1902.  Margaretha went to Paris for a new start. Without mon...

Lavrenti Beria Executed

Lavrenti Beria Executed Stalin's security chief Lavrenti Beria was executed on December 23rd, 1953. Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria was a Georgian, like Stalin, who called him ‘my Himmler’. Involved in revolutionary activities from his teens and head of the secret police in Georgia in his twenties, he supervised the ruthless 1930s purges in the region and arrived in Moscow in 1938 as deputy to Nikolai Yezhov, ‘the blood-thirsty dwarf’, head of the Soviet secret police. He soon succeeded Yezhov, who was shot on Stalin’s orders, apparently at Beria’s prompting. Beria, who went on to run the Soviet network of slave-labour camps, was notorious for his sadistic enjoyment of torture and his taste for beating and raping women and violating young girls. Bald and bespectacled, by the time of Stalin’s death in 1953 he was one of the most hated men in the country. With Stalin gone, Beria quickly came to an understanding with Georgi Malenkov, an old ally, and was given the combined ministries of Stat...

Soviet female soldiers were captured and turned into playthings. In order to save their lives, they became "Soviet traitors

Soviet female soldiers were captured and turned into playthings. In order to save their lives, they became "Soviet traitors". The Soviet Union showed no mercy to them. During World War II, the Soviet Union had not been on guard against Nazi Germany because it had signed a "Mutual Non-Aggression Pact" with Hitler in the early stage. Hitler used the "Blitzkrieg" to catch the Soviet Union off guard. In the early stages of the war, the Soviet army suffered a lot of heavy losses, resulting in a shortage of troops. Therefore, in the later stages of the war, many Soviet women also took guns to the battlefield to defend their families and the country. However, Antonina Makarova, who crawled out from the dead during the battle, made a puzzling decision. Instead of walking towards the Soviet position, she walked towards the German camp. Halfway through, she took off her military uniform and put on a civilian uniform and lied to the Germans that she was an ordinary S...

An unfortunate Soviet female soldier lies dead, shortly after being executed by her German captors. 1941

An unfortunate Soviet female soldier lies dead, shortly after being executed by her German captors. 1941. Red Army female soldiers did not have a life to envy. The Germans called them "rifle broads." I believe there was actually a German Directive to kill female soldiers outright, similar to the 'commando order'. Their fellow Russian male soldiers called them "field mattresses." The propaganda machine is quick to replace that with the timeless woman-knight archtype ('polianitsy'). Behind the lie of smiling hyper-snipers was a war against life itself. Nobody knows how many times it ended like this. You see a photograph like this and wonder about the human mind on the other side of the lens. Was he documenting reality, possibly the nihilism of war? Or is she a hunting trophy. Imagine how many hands and minds a photo from early 1940s, taken by a nobody halfway around the world and long dead, of 1 subject out of tens of millions, has to go through before...

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