
Showing posts from December 8, 2023
I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


The Breaking Wheel

The Breaking Wheel.  The breaking wheel is another cruel and disturbing form of execution brought to bear by our forefathers. Also known as the Wheel of Catherine, it was a torture method used for public execution primarily in Europe from antiquity through the Middle Ages into the early modern period by breaking the bones of a criminal or bludgeoning them to death.  The most common form would start with breaking the leg bones. To this end, the executioner dropped the execution wheel on the shinbones of the convicted person and then worked his way up to the arms. Here, rhythm and number of beatings were prescribed in each case, sometimes also the number of spokes on the wheel. To increase its effect, often sharp-edged timbers were placed under the convict's joints.  In the second act, the body was braided into another wooden spoked wheel which was possible through the broken limbs, or tied to the wheel. The wheel was then erected on a mast or pole, like a crucifixion. Afte...

The Last Victim Of Jack The Ripper

The Last Victim Of Jack The Ripper The final victim of the infamous serial killer Jack the Ripper, Mary Jane Kelly was found murdered and mutilated on Nov. 9, 1888. When a rent collector entered the room she was staying in, he found Kelly on her bed with various body parts and organs cut out and placed beside her corpse. Kelly was far more mutilated than any of the other four victims that Jack the Ripper had killed in the Whitechapel and Spitalfields districts of London in the preceding months....  Concealed behind Kelly's closed door, the Ripper took his time and spent nearly two hours carving up her body in various ways before sneaking away, never to be caught or even heard from again. Mary Jane Kelly (c. 1863 – 9 November 1888), also known as Marie Jeanette Kelly, Fair Emma, Ginger, Dark Mary and Black Mary, is widely believed to have been the final victim of the notorious unidentified serial killer Jack the Ripper, who murdered at least five women in the Whitechapel and Spitalf...

Prisoner Who "died" and came back to life Argued his life sentence has Technically Finished

Prisoner Who "died" and came back to life Argued his life sentence has Technically Finished Does he have a point? In the 90s, Benjamin Schreiber was convicted of first-degree murder for clubbing a man to death with a pickaxe handle and was destined to spend the rest of his days behind bars ... Read story In 2015, Schreiber developed kidney stones and started suffering septic poisoning, according to CNN. At a local hospital, he was resuscitated five times as his heart had briefly stopped The Guardian reports doctors used epinephrine and adrenaline to revive the man and once he stabilised, they treated his sepsis and he was sent back to jail After that incident, the convicted murderer tried to argue in court that he should be allowed to leave prison after successfully fulfilling his 'life sentence' Not only that, but Schreiber says he was revived against his will as he had signed a 'Do Not Resuscitate' order years earlier, according to The Des M...

On the morning of January 15, 1947, a mother taking her child for a walk in a Los Angeles neighborhood stumbled upon a gruesome sight

On the morning of January 15, 1947, a mother taking her child for a walk in a Los Angeles neighborhood stumbled upon a gruesome sight: the body of a young naked woman sliced clean in half at the waist. The body was just a few feet from the sidewalk and posed in such a way that the mother reportedly thought it was a mannequin at first glance. Despite the extensive mutilation and cuts on the body, there wasn’t a drop of blood at the scene, indicating that the young woman had been killed elsewhere.... Read story  The ensuing investigation was led by the L.A. Police Department. The FBI was asked to help, and it quickly identified the body—just 56 minutes, in fact, after getting blurred fingerprints via “Soundphoto” (a primitive fax machine used by news services) from Los Angeles. The young woman turned out to be a 22-year-old Hollywood hopeful named Elizabeth Short—later dubbed the “Black Dahlia” by the press for her rumored penchant for sheer black clothes and for the Blue Dahlia movi...

Above, Governor Wall hanging on a gibbet with a cloth over his head

Above, Governor Wall hanging on a gibbet with a cloth over his head; below, Governor Wall ordering the flogging of a naked man who is tied to a block. Etching. Wall was hanged in 1802 for flogging to death three soldiers without trial in Gorée, West Africa (The Gambia or Senegal) in 1782 ... Read story Joseph Wall (1737–28 January 1802) was a British Army officer and Lieutenant Governor of Gorée, an island near Dakar, Senegal, who was executed in London for the fatal flogging of one of his soldiers. The former colonial administrator, who had previously been arrested for cruelty, was hanged outside Newgate Prison eight days after a one-day trial at the Old Bailey. Thousands of people came to watch the execution because of the notoriety of the case. Wall was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1737, a son of Garrett Wall of Derryknavin, near Abbeyleix in Queen's County, who is described as "a respectable farmer on Lord Knapton's estates". At the age of 15, Joseph Wall was...

The Nazino tragedy is one of the most disturbing events in the history of the Soviet Union

The Nazino tragedy is one of the most disturbing events in the history of the Soviet Union Stalin's Cannibal Island - Nazino The Nazino tragedy is one of the most disturbing events in the history of the Soviet Union. It occurred in 1933 on the remote island of Nazino, located in the Tom River in Siberia. The tragedy began when the Soviet government decided to deport over 6,000 people to the island of Nazino to establish a new settlement. The majority of the people sent to the island were peasants who had been forcibly removed from their homes and villages. They were promised food, shelter, and work on the island, but when they arrived, they found that there was no infrastructure in place to support them. The deportees were abandoned with only scant supplies of flour for food, little to no tools, and none of the clothing or shelter necessary to survive the harsh Siberian climate. Conditions on Nazino Island deteriorated quickly and resulted in widespread disease, violence, and canni...

The Japanese Soldiers Who Competed to Kill 100 People

The Japanese Soldiers Who Competed to Kill 100 People Two Japanese officers held a competition to see who could behead 100 people the fastest and when the score was 105-106 and no one knew who got to 100 first, they went again to 150. Japanese officers Toshiaki Mukai (center) and Tsuyoshi Noda (right) during their war crimes trial in China. During the Nanjing massacre, they competed over who could kill a 100 people with a sword first. After the two both killed over a hundred people, they restarted to 150, 1947 The person on the left is Gunkichi Tanaka, another Japanese officer who participated in the Nanjing massacre. He personally killed over 300 Chinese POWs and civilians with his sword. Tanaka, 42, is the third person being executed with Mukai and Noda. Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda (1937, hundreds of victims, China) My original post about the two (it features a photo gallery from their time as soldiers all the way up untl moments before their executions) In 1937, during the Nanji...

Chinese and Malayan girls forcibly taken from Penang by the Japanese to work as 'comfort girls' for the troops 1939-1945

Chinese and Malayan girls forcibly taken from Penang by the Japanese to work as 'comfort girls' for the troops 1939-1945 A drop in the bucket compared to the countless atrocities Japan committed. Specificaly regarding rape, the Japanese enslaved as many as 200,000 Women as "comfort women' and has yet to even officially apologize to them. I remember reading the firsthand account of a Filipino comfort women where she was raped 10x a day. My grandfather was younger than ilikedeadpeople's great-grandmother (still a kid), but also remembers the day the Imperial Japanese army captured his town (wasn't a fight, they just walked in). His "town leader" (for lack of a better word) was immediately publicly beheaded to show everyone else what would happen to them if they didn't fall in line. Several years later as the lJA was in retreat, my grandfather was staring at two Japanese soldiers. One noticed my grandfather staring and aimed his rifle at him when the...

A brutal reminder of how extreme the Japanese Imperial Army was

A Japanese officer beheads a Chinese prisoner. Second-Sino Japanese War, 1937-1945. A brutal reminder of how extreme the Japanese Imperial Army was The Imperial Japanese Army and Navy (which I want to stress were disbanded and no longer exist) were one of the most evil organizations in human history. I remain convinced the Empire of Japan is the most evil regime in human history and worse than Nazi Germany in terms of pure cruelty. Their atrocities just aren't talk about much anymore because Japan is so well liked now in the West. The indiscriminate massacre of civilians. Slaughter of entire cities, torture, inhumane treatment of POWs, countless women forced into sexual slavery, among others. Over their conquest of East Asia, the Japanese Army forced around 200,000 women into the ranks of 'comfort women". These women mainly came from China, Korea, and the Philippines. This is the only thing l could not find a source for, but I distinctly remember reading the firsthand acco...

The Crucifixion was an ancient execution method, in which the criminal's hands and feet were bound or nailed to a wooden, cross-like structure

Crucifixion The Crucifixion was an ancient execution method, in which the criminal's hands and feet were bound or nailed to a wooden, cross-like structure. It wasa capital punishment reserved for slaves, traitors, "heretics", and usually the worst of criminals. It became widespread during the reign of Alexander the Great, but it still remains in occasional use in some countries. There were various methods of performing the crucifixion. Usually, the prisoner had to drag the crossbeam of his cross, weighing around 100 pounds, to the place of execution. Subsequently, his outstretched arms were bound to the crossbeam, or sometimes nailed through the wrists, and the crossbeam was raised and fixed to the already standing upright post. Death was usually caused by overall exhaustion or by heart failure. Sometimes, to shorten the victim's suffering, his legs were shattered using an iron club, so that subsequent asphyxiation soon ended his life. Enjoy Christmas 2023 with these...

Top Pictures That Shocked The World

Top  Pictures That Shocked The World It has often been said throughout time that a picture is worth a thousand words. Any picture may be worth a thousand words, but only a few rare photos tell more than a thousand words. They tell a powerful story, a story poignant enough to change the world and galvanize each of us. Over and over again… From the iconic images of Omayra Sanchez’s tragic death to the horrifying images of the Bhopal Gas disaster in 1984, the power of photography is still alive and invincible. Here is my top list of photos that shocked the world: Be prepared for images of violence and death (in one case, the photograph of a dead child) if you scroll down. Thailand Massacre (Neil Ulevich) Neal Ulevich won the 1977 Pulitzer Prize for a 'series of photographs of disorder and brutality in the streets of Bangkok,.Thailand" ( The Thammasat University Massacre took place.on October 6, 1976. It was a very violent attack.on students who were demonstrating aga...

This is a photo of a Chinese baby been thrown and caught with the blade of a jappanese gun, well in his defense all is fair in love and War

This is a photo of a Chinese baby been thrown and caught with the blade of a jappanese gun, well in his defense all is fair in love and War There Wwere a lot of massacres in World War II, but I can only say that even Nazi Germany only used gas chambers to industrialize the killing of Jews, while the Japanese used civilians and prisoners of war to practice assassination. They would beheaded and used human heads to show off. They put pregnant women aside, took out the fetus inside and killed them. You can also see them stabbing children to death and showing off on bayonets. According to Chinese records, they once killed babies, cut them into pieces and ground them into meat sauce with graphite. The German and Allied forces raped and even gang-raped, but Japan was not satisfied with these. They would take pictures of the raped women, and finally kill the raped women, cut open their stomachs and even pull out their intestines. They also threatened to let women have sexX with their male rel...

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