
Showing posts from November 6, 2023
I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


Video Shows Woman Performing Oral Sex Act On A Man In Public; Police Hunt For Couple As City Mayor Brand Them ‘Criminals’

Video Shows Woman Performing Oral Sex Act On A Man In Public; Police Hunt For Couple As City Mayor Brand Them ‘Criminals’ (WATCH) On this day, August 5, 2022, A woman has been filmed performing an oral sex act on a man in public. The couple was in full view of hundreds of stunned bystanders in Concert Square, Liverpool. Police are now on the hunt for the couple as the Mayor of Liverpool has branded the brazen couple as ‘criminals’ A woman has been filmed performing an oral sex act on a man in public. The couple was in full view of hundreds of stunned bystanders in Concert Square, Liverpool. Police are now on the hunt for the couple as the Mayor of Liverpool has branded the brazen couple as ‘criminals’. Numerous clips taken by different sources show the pair just yards from drinkers near the entrance to Einstein Bier Haus as onlookers cheered them on. However, the couple seemed unfazed by the audience they had acquired as they carried on for the people who were filming on their ph...

WATCH: Topless woman films herself dancing to favourite song while DRIVING on the motorway

Topless woman films herself dancing to favourite song while DRIVING on the motorway WATCH: Topless woman films herself dancing to favourite song while DRIVING on the motorway A TOPLESS woman decided to film herself dancing to her favourite song while driving on the motorway - and she didn’t seem to care what other drivers thought as they passed her by.  The mystery woman, wearing a pair of sunglasses, exposed her breasts while driving down a motorway in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and decided to capture the moment on camera while also dancing to her favourite song.  The woman didn’t appear to have a care in the world as she jiggled around and waved to drivers travelling on the opposite carriageway She also didn’t seem bothered by the attention of other motorists in higher vehicles.  The song she was dancing to is by a Uruguayan cumbia group called Marama, which is about a woman who loses her head after a few drinks at night. The footage which has appeared on Argentine ...

A massive 82lb rock used to smash the skull of a university student after she was kidnapped and brutally gang-raped has been presented in court

A massive 82lb rock used to smash the skull of a university student after she was kidnapped and brutally gang-raped has been presented in court. The two-foot by one-foot by one-foot boulder had been used to cover a borehole and was slammed down on Hannah Cornelius's head twice as she was held down, a court was told. The fatal blow was delivered after at least three men had taken turns to rape the gifted scholar. Hannah, 21, would almost certainly have died instantly according to experts. However, to make sure, one of her killers also plunged a knife into her neck. Vernon Witbooi, 33, Geraldo Parsons, 27, Nashville Julius, 29, and Eben Van Nieberk, 28, face charges including murder, kidnap, robbery and rape. The chilling exhibit was lifted with a struggle onto a desk before the judge at the Western High Court in Cape Town, South Africa, by two strong security guards. Hannah Cornelius, 21, was raped and murdered in Stellenbosch, South Africa, after she and her friend were carja...

When Mwashoti was a baby, he suffered horrendous injuries inflicted by a deep snare embedded in his leg

When Mwashoti was a baby, he suffered horrendous injuries inflicted by a deep snare embedded in his leg. But he never gave up on life and thanks to urgent medical treatment he can walk again. Miracles do happen! Read more: elephant calf of around one year old required treatment for a horrendous snare wound, a wound that cut through the joint leaving the baby extremely compromised. His mother remained by his side, and had to be anaesthetised too, in order for his injury to be treated. The decision was made there and then to give him the benefit of doubt and leave him to try to heal in a wild situation, remaining by his mother’s side. Our anti-poaching teams' monitored their movements throughout this time checking on his progress, but as the weeks passed it became apparent that his condition was deteriorating. His mother was forced to drop out from their herd, unable to walk any distance in search of food, and the two of them cut a lonely sight as she remained by the side of her aili...

Sophie Scholl and the White Rose | The National WWII Museum

This is Sophie Scholl. She and her friends in the Religious group, the White Rose, in Munich, protested against the Nazis. They leafleted at the University campus in 1942–43. She was tried for treason, and they cut off her head with a guillotine. They also executed her brother. The other three members of the White Rose, including a professor, were imprisoned. The Nazis were a totalitarian dictatorship, and did not countenance protest. Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Sophie Scholl and the White Rose movement, while less known to Americans, is a powerful example of youthful resistance to the Nazi Regime. the RAD were quashed and she instead had to enter the service in the spring of 1941. She hated it. The military-like regimen and mind-numbing routine caused her to find solace in her own spirituality, guided by readings of theologian Augustine of Hippo. She wrote down her thoughts, noting that her “soul was hungry"—she longed for an autonomous life, an end to the war, and for happi...

On this day 20 Jun 2017, Horny couple engage in shocking public sex acts in the middle of a busy Italian square

On this day 20 Jun 2017, Horny couple engage in shocking public sex acts in the middle of a busy Italian square Friday nights in the Piazza San Domenic in the centre of Naples are known for their friendly and flirtatious atmosphere. The pair were filmed in the Piazza San Domenic in the centre of Naples TWO lovers became an online hit after brazenly engaging in oral s3x in a crowded public square in Italy...  Friday nights in the Piazza San Domenic in the centre of Naples are known for their friendly and flirtatious atmosphere. One young couple however got far too carried away in the south-western Italian city. The woman was filmed with her skirt hitched up over the head of her lover, who was seated on the ground. In the clip he can also be seen enthusiastically using his hand. The red-headed young woman seems to be enjoying his attentions, but she still keeps a firm grip on the Adidas sports bag slung over her shoulder. At one point another young lad’s grinning face appears...

Viral Photos Of A Little Girl Dressed Provocatively

Viral Photos Of A Little Girl Dressed Provocatively The eye sore photos of this little girl is why I sometimes blame mothers for whatever happens to their daughters. A woman is stupid enough to dress her daughter in this manner and stole her childhood from her. She even had the audacity to post it on the internet. Does it mean some mothers want their daughters to start experiencing adulthood at a tender age? Imagine in this era of consistent rape cases someone is still being stupid angry I am still searching for the original source of this pictures. We need to expose some fools. A mother posed this photo on a popular women’s Facebook page and captioned it: “Disturbing” Most of the women agreed that the photo is disturbing, blaming the mother of the child, others didn’t see anything wrong with it. What do you think? CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO .

Hanging effigies from billboards shock Vegas drivers

Hanging effigies from billboards shock Vegas drivers (AP) LAS VEGAS - Even by Las Vegas standards, it was a shocking billboard: A mannequin dangling on a hangman's noose below a black sign with the ominous words "Dying for Work." Nevada Highway Patrol Trooper Jeremie Elliott says the 911 calls started coming in as the sun came up early Wednesday, with drivers worried the stiff, black-suited dummy swaying at the end of a rope along Interstate 15 near Bonanza Road was a real person. "It's a publicity stunt, obviously done in bad taste," said Elliott, adding that officials were focused on getting it down quickly to avoid distracting drivers during the morning commute. The graphic display along the interstate was one of at least two unauthorized signs spotted Wednesday morning in the Las Vegas area. Another found on Highland Avenue and Desert Inn Road was white with black lettering that read, "Hope You're Happy Wall St.," and a similar manneq...

Italian doctor M. Matarasso created for removing freckles that literally involved him freezing your face and digging them out of a person’s face.

The search for beauty has led people down some horrible roads, but one of the most upsetting procedures of the early 20th century was the one that Italian doctor M. Matarasso created for removing freckles that literally involved him freezing your face and digging them out of a person’s face. A person would be placed in Matarasso’s chair and have their freckle patches frozen with carbon dioxide. From there, the doctor would peel the skin away until their patient’s face was devoid of all freckles. Patient’s usually healed within two weeks of the procedure, but the memories were forever In the 1930s, Italian physician Dr. M. Matarasso pioneered a method for removing freckles that literally required freezing them and digging them out of your face. He would freeze a patch with carbon dioxide, or dry ice, and then use a small dagger-like device to loosen and peel the pigmentation off of the face. Within a week or two, the skin would heal freckle-free. The procedure is similar to how plantar ...

Death Valley has some interesting haunted locations. Here, some haunted places in Death Valley. The haunted Skidoo ghost town & The haunted Amargosa Opera House and Hotel in Death Valley

This creepy ghost town located in the Death Valley desert is the home of one of the strangest deaths in the history of the Old West. In 1908, a saloon manager named Joe “Hooch” Simpson murdered the town’s banker. In retaliation for the murder, he was hanged in a lynching by a mob. They buried him, but exhumed his body to pose it for pictures when a L.A. Times reporter came some days later. The locals hung him back up as they had hung him the first time for the photos. Then, the unthinkable happened. A local Skidoo doctor made the strange decision to test Hooch for syphilis. Instead of taking some blood, he decided to cut off Hooch’s entire head and test it. Now, according to legendary reports, a headless Hooch continuously haunts this small town located in the center of Death Valley. The ghost of headless Hooch has been seen walking around town at night. Others have reported ghostly activity at the old cemetery. The Amargosa Opera House and Hotel is located a few miles west of the Cali...

Catherine Eddows autopsy photo. She is a known victim of Jack the Ripper. How these poor women suffered

Catherine Eddows autopsy photo. She is a known victim of Jack the Ripper. How these poor women suffered. Holy god...he ripped her wide open. Good lord. I hope she passed out before most of this, but I sadly kind of doubt it. What a monster he was. The former “main suspect” Francis Tumblety is buried in my home city, not even 10 miles from me. I’ve been to his grave; it’s got an air of creepiness that is hard to describe. Now apparently they say another guy did it, some guy named Aaron-something (sounds Polish or Russian last name; my whole family is Polish and we’re famous for last names ending in “ski”), but honestly Tumblety fits the profile more. He was a medical quack with enough rudimentary surgical training to get by slicing someone up, and he had a deep-seated hatred of women. Also, he was slightly insane (obviously). Fled England to Rochester after being questioned by Scotland Yard, as he once lived here with his mother, father and several siblings when he was younger. Super cr...

Man Caught His Girlfriend In A Car Having Sex With Another Man

Man Caught His Girlfriend In A Car Having Sex With Another Man In a shocking incident, a man in the United States caught his girlfriend having sex with another man in a car. The enraged man recorded a video of the scene and expressed his disappointment and anger towards his unfaithful partner. The video has since gone viral on social media, sparking a heated debate on the topic of infidelity and relationships. The man’s girlfriend has not yet responded to the incident. Watch video below CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO .

Moment two cops are caught having sex in back of police car by passerby in viral video that got them both sacked

On this day, 31 Jul 2021, Moment two cops are caught having sex in back of police car by passerby in viral video that got them both sacked TWO cops have been sacked after they were filmed by a passer-by having sex in a police car. In the viral video, the sex crazed crime fighters appear oblivious to being filmed as the female officer straddles her male colleague. The cops’ steamy rendezvous was filmed in an area of waste ground in the municipality of Ecatepec de Morelos, in Mexico. But their fling ended in anti-climax after police chiefs saw the footage and gave them their marching orders. The video was widely shared on social media and shows the stationary police vehicle in a secluded spot. In the footage, whoever is filming is seen approaching the car in an area of waste ground. As the camera is pointed through the window, the woman’s groans can be heard. Inside she can been seen straddling the man while naked from the waist down as he reclines in the passenger seat. Both still seem ...

The Flying Pinto That Killed Its Inventor

The Flying Pinto That Killed Its Inventor This date in 1947 saw the first flight of THE CONVAIR MODEL 118 CONVAIRCAR (also known as the Hall Flying Automobile), a prototype flying car of which two were built. The flying car has been invented over and over again. The problem is, each iteration has fallen somewhere on the line between amusing failure and outright disaster. Perhaps the most infamous example was the AVE Mizar, a.k.a. the “Flying Pinto,” which killed its inventor on an early voyage. Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machine Henry Smolinski was born in 1933, one of eight children in a Polish American family living in Cuyahoga, Ohio. After attending the Northrop Institute of Technology's aeronautical engineering school, he began his career at North American Aviation as a structural engineer working on jet engine and aircraft design. In 1959, he joined Rocketdyne as a project engineer, working on their missile development and aerospace programs. After a decade at Rocke...

Malaysian student couple arrested for violating public decency after video of sex act in car goes viral

Malaysian student couple arrested for violating public decency after video of sex act in car goes viral 7th April 2023 – (Johor Bahru) A video of a young couple engaged in sexual activity inside a red car parked at an empty parking lot in Johor, Malaysia, has gone viral on social media, leading to their arrest. The clip has caused a stir online, with memes and jokes circulating, but it has also raised concerns among parents about what their children may be doing behind their backs. The video, which was filmed by a bystander who approached the car, shows the girl sitting on her boyfriend’s lap with her pants off, wearing a Malaysian Red Crescent Society (PBSM) t-shirt, while her boyfriend’s face is clearly visible. The couple appears to be caught by surprise and the girl hides her face from the camera when confronted. The man then told the bystander that his ‘girlfriend was sick’. The boyfriend begged the bystander to delete the clip, but unfortunately, it has already spread on social m...

Brazen couple caught having roadside sex in Google Street View photos

Brazen couple caught having roadside sex in Google Street View photos On this day,March 10, 2022, Brazen couple caught having roadside sex in Google Street View photos This is not the kind of roadside attraction Google users were expecting.  A couple has been caught having sex by the side of a highway in photos uploaded to Google Street View. The explicit images were reportedly taken on Dukes Highway just outside the Australian town of Keith — about halfway between the cities of Adelaide and Melbourne. The saucy snaps show the amorous Aussies enjoying each other’s company in broad daylight while next to their silver BMW. The pair are clearly in the throes of passion, with the woman bent over the hood of the vehicle and her male partner positioned directly behind.  In one image — snapped by a Google Street View van — the woman can be seen sporting a startled expression on her face, seemingly surprised that she has been busted in the roadside romp. The pair are not identifiable ...

‘Ryanair’ passenger filmed ‘performing sex act’ on man mid-flight by stunned traveller

‘Ryanair’ passenger filmed ‘performing sex act’ on man mid-flight by stunned traveller A shocked plane passenger filmed the moment a frisky couple appeared to join the Mile High Club in their seats. He claimed it took place on a Ryanair flight Shocking footage has captured a plane passenger appearing to perform a sex act on what appears to be a Ryanair flight. The video was shared to Twitter by a fellow passenger on September 14, 2021. It shows a man with a face mask around his neck relaxing against the side of a cabin while his female companion’s head bobs up and down in his crotch. The couple then start kissing as the man starts fumbling with the woman’s clothes. She then pulls her hair back and seems to repeat the act again. In the caption to the video, the uploader wrote: “Fair play to Ryanair allowing this. “I’ll factor this in when making my next flight booking.” More than 1,000 people have seen the footage since it was shared, with viewers calling the scenes “outrageous”. Ryanai...

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