
Showing posts from November 3, 2023
I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he


Sisters Give Birth On The Same Day – Then Father Makes A Shocking Discovery

Sisters Give Birth On The Same Day – Then Father Makes A Shocking Discovery! When these two sisters became pregnant, they knew they were going to share a special experience. Although they were a little nervous, they were also thrilled with the idea and couldn’t wait to hold their babies in their arms. But when the day finally arrived, a surprising discovery awaited them. Here’s what happened. Lauren and Lily are two lovely sisters aged 20 and 17. The girls live in Merseyside, England. The fact that they grew up together as children already form a special bond. But Lauren and Lily got to experience something that few sisters get to share. They were both pregnant at the same time as the older of the two.  Lauren was the first to tell her parents about her pregnancy. Her father, Philip remembers the moment well. Lauren was sitting on the couch crying when she told me and I said, Why are you crying? These things happen. But while he had been supportive of Lauren, Lily, who was much younger

The violent nature of Blacks. First rationale for Apartheid

The violent nature of Blacks. First rationale for Apartheid. Many white South Africans feel guilty about Apartheid, they feel as if they actually did something evil or bad, but that is totally wrong. Ex president De Klerk apologised for Apartheid and so did the Dutch Reform Church. Dominee, Swanepoel who also started pulling out his intestines about Apartheid and apologised on behalf of the entire church without any mandate from anyone of the congregation. So when such “leaders” tell us how wrong we were, then we tend to believe them. But let us look at the truth. Anyone who knows the history of South Africa will know that nobody suffered more on the soil of South Africa, no one has bled as much as the Afrikaners and their descendants the Boers. The Whites of South Africa and specifically the Afrikaners have nothing to be sorry for. In fact the Blacks owe them a tremendous gratitude and a gigantic apology for the way they.treated Whites in the last 350 years. The Afrikaners have

Reverse: Method of torture

Reverse hanging (also known as Palestinian hanging) is a form of positional torture where the victim is suspended for a prolonged period of time by the wrists, after the wrists are bound at the back During the Middle Ages, one of the frequently employed forms of torture was the 'Reverse Horse' method. This brutal technique involved subjecting individuals to extreme discomfort and pain by forcing them to endure a harrowing position resembling that of a person astride a horse but in a reversed manner. The victim would be positioned with their legs spread apart and their weight supported on a sharp-edged triangular wooden beam, often called a 'horse.' This beam pressed against the victim's genitals and rectum, causing excruciating pain. The tormentors would sometimes add weights to the victim's feet to intensify the agony. The 'Reverse Horse' torture method was not only physically painful but also psychologically horrifying, as it left victims in a state of

The man that couldn't be hanged

The man that couldn't be hanged. When someone was sentenced for execution in the not too distant past, being left to hang from a rope until dead was always the most popular method. It provided an easy to observe spectacle without being blatantly gruesome or cruel since the victim would generally be required to wear a type of cloth bag over their heads to keep the spectators from watching the terrified faces made in the man or woman’s last moments. However, even though this aspect of the event was denied to onlookers, they could still get an entertaining kick from watching a supposed bad guy either have his neck broken from the initial drop or be strangled to death. It comes as a shock then that one man made this very common execution method almost impossible. John “Babbacombe” Lee One of the most infamous execution stories of all times that still causes shock, awe, and several question marks even 100 years later is that of John “Babbacombe” Lee. The story of why he was convic

I just want to point out that this man is a demon. Julius Streicher, who some would say is a martyr for free speech

I just want to point out that this man is a demon. Julius Streicher, who some would say is a martyr for free speech (and be wrong for it), holocausted exactly six million Jews with words. His words caused such kvetching that he is responsible for six million deaths, not a single soul less. If you want to include more that’s ok though. He was justly executed for publishing a newspaper which had, what some would wrongly call, shocking facts about Jews. It didn’t matter that he was no longer a member of the NSDAP and not a government official, his words caused hurt feelings and that is the worst thing you can do. The good guys of history hung him to death on 16 October, 1946 as a lesson on how evil it is to criticise Jews.  Don’t you ever do it! If you do the same forces will bring down righteous fury on you, including, but not limited to, taking down your posts. I am sorry I ever paid homage to someone who was so dangerous on the anniversary of his death. Free speech is no excuse t

There are times where you can not keep silent watching such horrible and shocking picture of the brutal killings of these Ethiopians brothers

There are times where you can not keep silent watching such horrible and shocking picture of the brutal killings of these Ethiopians brothers.  Whatever crime they might have done or have different political view, no human being deserve such barbaric death.  The man you see below is, a norwegian mass killer A. Breivik, who massacred 77 people (8 people by bombing a government building and 69 youths by shooting massacre while attending a Labour party summer camp ) late in 2011. The massacre of  these teenagers was one of the  gruesome news which shocked the world together.  This guy who was condemned world wide to his terror action,  could have deserved the worst  brutal and barbaric deaths compared to his action. But unlikely he is running his normal life now, serving a 21 years prison sentence, and is even studying bachelor of Political Science. This is just due to their commitment to respect of HUMAN RIGHT despite his crimes.  These Ethiopian guys, might or might not committ

2 patients caught red handed having sex in the hospital

2 patients caught red handed having sex in the hospital Two patients who decided to engage themselves in the sex act were caught red handed in an hospital ward. The hospital is supposed to be a place where patents convalesce but these sex starved couple who could not keep their urge in check, disgrace was their portion as they were caught red handed having sex in one of the wards of a Lagos private hospital. According insiders, the female was always sneaking into the male ward at odd hours and when nurses noticed her movements, they decided to set a trap for her. When they noticed her sneaking into the man's ward when she thought no one was watching, they mobilised and caught the two in the very act. They were disgraced and their photographs were even taken and has even gone viral. TO WATCH THE VIDEO AND TO SEE MORE PHOTOS OF THIS ARTICLE CLICK HERE .

Watch: SHS Girl F!ngered By 3 Boys In A Pool (VIDEO)

Watch: SHS Girl F!ngered By 3 Boys In A Pool (VIDEO) A young beautiful lady believed to be in SHS 3 has been caught in a viral video fingered by 3 boys in a swimming pool. This is clear from a viral video that has just surfaced on social media as sighted by our team. In the video, the young lady is seen mishandled by the three young guys In the video you could see that this beautiful girl is enjoying what they are doing to her looking at how comfortable she is. TO WATCH THE VIDEO AND TO SEE MORE PHOTOS OF THIS ARTICLE CLICK HERE .

Half-naked woman is filmed dangling from electric cables above street in China after lover's wife arrived home earlier than expected

Half-naked woman is filmed dangling from electric cables above street in China after lover's wife arrived home earlier than expected A woman was filmed dangling from electric cables above a street in China after her lover's wife reportedly arrived home earlier than expected. In the disturbing clip, the scantily-clad woman can be seen hanging dangerously upside down, with only one leg entwined with the cable. As she dangled, a crowd gathered in the street below her and took photos with their phones. Several men stepped forward to help her down. A ladder can be seen in the shot, but the problem seemed to be how to get it close enough to the woman. Unverified sources say the woman fell or jumped out of a window after she and her lover were surprised by the return of his wife. Liveleak shared the video with the caption: "Wife came home earlier than expected." See the distressing video below... TO WATCH THE VIDEO AND TO SEE MORE PHOTOS OF THIS ARTICLE CLICK HERE .

Legend has it that George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, traitorous brother of Edward IV (and Richard III) was executed by immersion in a barrel of wine per his request! What a way to go

Legend has it that George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, traitorous brother of Edward IV (and Richard III) was executed by immersion in a barrel of wine per his request! What a way to go! George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence (21 October 1449 – 18 February 1478), was the sixth son of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, and Cecily Neville, and the brother of English kings Edward IV and Richard III. He played an important role in the dynastic struggle between rival factions of the Plantagenets now known as the Wars of the Roses. Though a member of the House of York, he switched sides to support the House of Lancaster, before reverting back to the Yorkists. He was later convicted of treason against his elder brother, Edward IV, and executed, allegedly by drowning in malmsey wine. He appears as a character in William Shakespeare's plays Henry VI, Part 3 and Richard III, in which his death is attributed to the machinations of Richard. George was born on 21 October 1449 in Dublin at a

Nancy Spungen died from a stab wound to the stomach. Their room consisted of a bathroom and bedroom, and Spungen died in the bathroom, after bleeding out

Nancy Spungen died from a stab wound to the stomach. Their room consisted of a bathroom and bedroom, and Spungen died in the bathroom, after bleeding out. Sid was charged with her murder, yet in this photo of Sid taken outside Room 100 at the Chelsea Hotel, just before being arrested for Nancy’s death, he has no blood on him. The timeline indicates that Sid may not have even been in the apartment when Nancy was killed. Did you ever have a theory of what really happened? IN 1975, A 17-year-old Philly girl named Nancy Spungen dropped out of the University of Colorado and moved to New York City. She pushed her way in with the emerging punk crowd – meeting seminal rockers like Johnny Thunders and Cheetah Chrome. Spungen quickly established herself in the punk scene as a new kind of groupie, as punk journalist Legs McNeil told New York Magazine in 2008 – and she embodied the nastiest parts of the scene. “We were tired of being nice. It was like, fuck you,” McNeil said. “The left… invented t

Woman Goes to Car and Finds Dog Inside, but There’s One Problem

Woman Goes to Car and Finds Dog Inside, but There’s One Problem Sometimes we choose the dog, and sometimes the dog chooses us. That was certainly the case for Alayna Bvaldez, who documented an unusual experience on TikTok. In a video posted to her account, @alaynabvaldez, Bvaldez can be heard saying, "Hi, baby" to a large dog that has taken up residence in the foot area of her driver's seat. The brown and white dog, which looked like a pit bull, had a collar on but refused to leave her car. "I don't know whose dog this is," she says, "but he's just chilling in my car." Bvaldez then drove the dog to a humane society, telling him, "I can't afford to keep you." Next, the video cuts to her grandmother encouraging the dog and saying, "Come to Grandma." The video ends with Bvaldez getting the dog a pup cup and apparently deciding that he isn't going anywhere. In a series of video updates, Bvaldez explained how the mystery

7 Facts about Britains most violent prisoner.

I really was a nasty bastard, a horrible violent nasty man, and I'm not proud of it, But I'm not ashamed of it either. For every punch I've swung in my life I've taken 21 back. I don't cry about my life. I never have and I never will.  Charles Bronson (Salvador). 7 Facts about Britains most violent prisoner. 1. Born Michael Gordon Peterson in 1952 to a respectable middle-class family in Aberystwyth, West Wales, he would eventually move on to Liverpool and then Luton where he would go on to earn a living as a circus strongman. 2. Bronson changed his name to that of the Hollywood star of the Death Wish films after a bare knuckle fight promoter said it would be a bigger pull than his real name, Michael Peters. 3. Bronson was originally jailed for seven years for armed robbery in 1974 at the age of 19, and has had a series of sentences added to his original term over the years for attacking inmates and prison staff along with over a dozen hostage taking incidents. 4. To

Austrian ice-cream killer Estibaliz Carranza sentenced to life

Austrian ice-cream killer Estibaliz Carranza sentenced to life Ice cream shop owner Estibaliz Carranza, was charged and convicted for shooting her husband and her lover.  Over a two year span, the Austrian beauty shot and killed both her lover and her husband. Turning on the ice cream machines in the store to drown out the sound, she then used a chainsaw to dismember the bodies. After the murder and dismemberment, the redhead used the men’s’ remains to fill up ice cream tubs, put them into a deep freeze, and buried the tubs in concrete under her store. She even took cement mixing classes just for the occasion! An ice-cream parlour owner dubbed the “ice lady” for the calculated way in which she killed her ex-husband and lover was sentenced to life in a secure mental institution on Thursday. Estibaliz Carranza, 34, had confessed to shooting the two men at close range in the back of the head, cutting up their bodies with a chainsaw, freezing them in a deep freeze and later interring them

The breast ripper

The breast ripper. As you may have assumed from its name, torturers used the breast ripper primarily to inflict pain upon women. The claws were often heated up before being attached to the victim's exposed breasts. Women were strapped to a table or wall while a torturer pulled the device away. There was a similar device called the Iron Spider that was attached to walls and worked the same way with the woman pulled away from the wall. If the victim wasn't killed, she would be left mutilated for life. This treatment was a punishment for accused adulterers, unwed mothers, witches, and heretics. This instrument was mostly reserved for women accused of conducting a miscarriage or those who are accused of adultery The breast ripper is commonly referred to as "The Spider". The breasts were fixed to the claws and the women was pulled by the turturer away from the way. This was a form of punishment used for women, the breast ripper was a painful and cruel way to mutilate a wom

A Los Angeles Investigator may have discovered that the authorities and the enthusiast in the Zodiac Killer Case may have been chasing the wrong face. Although the Zodiac Killer sent in a piece of bloody shirt from Paul Stine, could he have just been a witness to the murder and not the killer? Yes!

One of the Zodiac Killers victims Paul Lee Stine (October 11th 1969, San Francisco California colorized) When Mr. Stine picked up a mysterious man later to be identified as the zodiac killer in his cab the zodiac instructed Stine to go to corner of ,Washington and Maple near the Presidio in the high end neighbor hood of Presidio Hieghts. Then the zodiac tells Stine to go up one block and once Stine put the cab in park the zodiac fired one 9mm shot to the back of his head. After murdering Paul Stine, he then cuts off a piece of Paul Stine's shirt and soaks up some blood with it . He used these peices of shirt to prove he was the killer of Paul Stine. Cab driver Paul Stine, age 29, was shot once in the head at point-blank range. The weapon was a 9mm semi-automatic pistol, not the same 9mm used in the Ferrin murder. There were three witnesses from a house on the southeast corner of the intersection Stine's cab was hailed at Mason and Geary Streets, with the intended destinat

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