
Showing posts from November 16, 2023
I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


Photos: Torture Methods Used to Coerce People to Hail Communism, Renounce Faith

Photos: Torture Methods Used to Coerce People to Hail Communism, Renounce Faith ‘We have 108 types of torture methods! Do you think you'll leave here alive?’ A painting depicting the “hanging bricks around the neck” torture method. It is one of the most common torture methods used to break the spirit of determined Falun Gong practitioners and coerce them to renounce their faith. ( The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has categorized China as one of the world’s key countries ambitiously engaged in “egregious violations” of religious freedom and human rights. Commissioner Gary L. Bauer said in the 2021 annual report that communist China had been denying its citizens “the right to seek and worship God.” Victims who survive the CCP-led violent suppression, or who are able to escape and seek refuge in other countries, have been bravely stepping forward to expose the inhumane treatment and torture being carried out behind the impenetrable ...

Taiwan Crocodile Attack

Taiwan Crocodile Attack The severed lower left arm of a Taiwanese veterinarian is seen in the jaws of a crocodile, April 11, 2007, at the Shoushan Zoo in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Chang Po-yu's lower left arm was bitten off by the crocodile when he tried to pull a tranquilizer dart from the reptile's body. Two bullets were shot at the crocodile but it was unharmed. Chang went through emergency surgery to have his limb reattached. The funny part is how badass the croc is after. He doesn't swallow it, but sits there with it in his mouth like a warning. The clip shows that it looked more like a show where he taunts it and sticks his hand in, not at all how the AP story explained it. Ah gotcha, didn't look that closely but yeah the end of the vid there isn't a hand left, but the guy got a nasty shredding. Grainy but looks like the skin ripped open pretty good & his hand is hanging. blech CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO .

Vietnam war picture that touched a nation can still surprise

Vietnam war picture that touched a nation can still surprise In 1973 photographer Chick Harrity took one of the Vietnam War's most memorable images. It showed a baby girl, Tran Thie Het Nhanny, lying in a cardboard box with her brother, who begged on the streets of Saigon. A lifetime achievement award to Harrity, whose 48-year career with 35 years in Washington to Harrity's surprise the award was given by the woman whose image he captured in that famous photograph. After surgery in the US, Nhanny was adopted by an American woman and now lives in Ohio. Here is the story  Washington: In 1973 photographer Chick Harrity snapped one of the Vietnam War's most memorable images. It showed a baby girl, named Tran Thie Het Nhanny, lying in a cardboard box next to her brother, who begged on the streets of Saigon. When the photo was published in February of that year, it inspired Americans to raise money to bring the baby to the US to undergo surgery to correct a congenital heart defec...

The Babushka Lady When President John F. Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas Dealey Plaza, one woman appeared to be documenting the incident-

The Babushka Lady When President John F. Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas Dealey Plaza, one woman appeared to be documenting the incident- potentially with a camera- while others ran for cover. Following the photos, the FBI searched high and low for the woman, but with little luck. Although in 1970, a woman called Beverly Oliver came forward to conspiracy theorist Gary Shaw, admitting to her being the Babushka lady. What she revealed, however, was met with trepidation when she claimed that she recorded the events on a Yashica Super-8 camera- even though the model hadn't come into circulation until 1968. In the decades since the assassination, the FBI still hasn’t figured out who the Babushka Lady is for certain. Over the years, several people have come forward claiming to be the mysterious woman, but in each circumstance, they were dismissed for lack of proof. One Babushka Lady suspect, however, stands out among the rest, perhaps because her story was just so outlandish. In 1970, ...

American soldier killed by German snipers in Leipzig, 1945

American soldier killed by German snipers in Leipzig, 1945 War photographer Robert Capa took this iconic photo of an American soldier shot and killed by a German sniper in the battle for Leipzig on 18 April 1945. The soldier became known as the ‘last man to die’ in WWII after the image appeared in Life magazine’s Victory issue....  During the final days of the war, a platoon of machine gunners entered a Leipzig building looking for positions to set up covering fire points that would protect foot soldiers of the 2nd U.S. Infantry advancing across the bridge. Two members of the platoon found an open balcony that commanded on an unobstructed view of the bridge, set up their gun. For a while, one soldier fired the gun while the other fed it. Then one soldier went inside and the other manned the smoking gun alone. While absorbed in reloading it, a German sniper’s bullet from the street pierced his forehead. He crumpled to the floor, dead. War photographer Robert Capa climbed through a b...

Thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan is found raped and murdered in the basement of the Atlanta, Georgia, pencil factory where she worked

Thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan is found rap£d and murdered in the basement of the Atlanta, Georgia, pencil factory where she worked. Her murder later led to one of the most disgraceful episodes of bigotry, injustice, and mob violence in American history. Next to her body were two small notes that pinned the crime on Newt Lee, the night watchman. Lee was arrested, but it quickly became evident that the notes were a crude attempt by Jim Conley, the factory's janitor, to cover up his own crime. Conley then decided to shift the blame toward Leo Frank, the Jewish owner of the factory. Despite the absurdity of Conley's claims, they nevertheless took hold. The case's prosecutor was Hugh Dorsey, a notorious bigot and friend of Georgia's populist leader, Tom Watson. Reportedly, Watson told Dorsey, "Hell, we can lynch a n****r anytime in Georgia, but when do we get the chance to hang a Yankee Jew?" Frank was tried by Judge Leonard Roan, who allowed the blatantly unfair t...

Serial killer Harvey Glatman is executed in a California gas chamber for murdering three young women in Los Angeles

Serial killer Harvey Glatman is executed in a California gas chamber for murdering three young women in Los Angeles. Resisting all appeals to save his life, Glatman even wrote to the appeals board to say, "I only want to die."...  As a Boy Scout, he developed an obsession with rope. When his parents noticed that he was strangling himself on occasion, they took him to a doctor who told them that it was just a phase and that he would grow out of it. As a teenager, he threatened a girl with a toy gun in Colorado. Skipping bail, he made his way to New York, where he later spent two years and eight months in Sing Sing prison on robbery charges. Following his release, Glatman moved to Los Angeles and opened up a television repair shop. He took up photography as a hobby, in addition to playing with ropes. On August 1, 1957, he combined these two interests in a sinister way. On the pretense of a freelance modeling assignment, Glatman lured 19-year-old Judy Ann Dull to his apartment, ...

The ball turret on the American B-17 bomber plane, 1943, World War II

The ball turret on the American B-17 bomber plane, 1943, World War II. The gunners operating this was forced to assume a fetal position within the turret with his back and head against the rear wall, his hips at the bottom, and his legs held in mid-air by two footrests on the front wall. This left him positioned with his eyes roughly level with the pair of light-barrel Browning AN/M2 .50 caliber machine guns which extended through the entire turret, located to either side of the gunner.... The cocking handles were located too close to the gunner to be operated easily, so a cable was attached to the handle through pulleys to a handle near the front of the turret.  Another factor was that not all stoppages could be corrected by charging (cocking) the guns. In many cases, when a stoppage occurred, it was necessary for the gunner to "reload" the gun, which required access to the firing chamber of the guns. Access was severely restricted by the guns' location in the small turr...

Police Arrest 29-year-old Who Eat and Store Human Parts In Her Refrigerator

Police Arrest 29-year-old Who Eat and Store Human Parts In Her Refrigerator Wonder they say shall never end. Dear friend the photos you are about to view is shocking and highly disturbing, therefore we advice you use your discretion, if you can’t stand it close your eyes.... Indonesia’s police have arrested a 29-year-old Philippians woman for killing and eating humans. This woman has killed and eaten more than 30 girls and many other humans including her husband and had kept their meat in her refrigerator.  This cannibal female had said, that she arranged many parties for her friends and relatives, to whom she had cooked and served human meat...   without their knowledge. Her guests had said, that her food tasted very delicious..... Here is the story  A man and his two sons have been arrested on suspicion of murdering a neighbor and then eating parts of his body after he tripped over a woman relative at a dance, Philippine police said on Tuesday. The three men are su...

The Papin Sisters who murdered their Boss in Cold blood

The Papin Sisters who murdered their Boss in Cold blood French sisters Léa and Christine Papin worked as live-in servants for the Lancelin family in France in 1926. Although it was reported that they acted quite odd, never talking to anyone but themselves and showing little interest in anything besides each other, according to Historic Mysteries. They did their work quickly and lived with the family for almost seven years. Then, one night in February 1933, Mr. Lancelin, who had been waiting for his wife at a friend's house, came home to find her and their adult daughter dead on the floor in a pool of blood. Their eyes had been gouged out and faces smashed in. The Papin sisters were locked in their room and after getting a locksmith to open the door, the police said they found the sisters lying on the bed together with a bloody hammer nearby, according to The Vintage News.... Read story  The Papin sisters immediately confessed to the crimes. While in prison, Christine became very di...

Robert Berdella (Serial Killer)

Robert Berdella (Serial Killer) Robert Andrew Berdella Jr. (January 31, 1949 – October 8, 1992) was an American serial killer who kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murdered at least six young men after having forced his victims to endure periods of up to six weeks of captivity. His crimes took place in Kansas City, Missouri, between 1984 and 1987. In the late 80's, Robert Berdella tortured and killed six men, chopped their bodies into small pieces, and stuffed their remains into dog-food bags(of course where else would I keep chopped human parts).....Read story  He also kept detailed notes on each of his victims, which later helped investigators prove their murders. Berdella almost got away with it all. Had it not been for his seventh would-be victim, 22-year-old Christopher Bryson, who managed to escape from the second floor of Berdella's home, he may have not been caught Berdella was originally charged with sexual assault, but after police obtained a search warrant, they found ...

The Little-Known Story Of John Billington, The Mayflower Pilgrim Who Became The First Murderer In American History

The Little-Known Story Of John Billington, The Mayflower Pilgrim Who Became The First Murderer In American History Before committing his historic murder, John Billington was punished for a number of other offenses in Plymouth and became a social outcast — but scholars now think there might be more to his story. In 1620, a ship carrying 102 people left England for the New World. It landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts in November, and its crew was fatally unprepared for what lay ahead. During the first winter, half of the Pilgrims perished. The survivors slowly added to their numbers until 1630, when the colonists discovered a murderer in their midst: John Billington. Billington had come over on the Mayflower with his wife and two sons but had earned a reputation as a troublemaker. And in 1630, he shot another colonist. The crime made John Billington the first English settler to kill another English settler in the New World and also earned him the name “the Mayflower Murderer.” But histori...

BEFORE HE WAS HANGED, S. Africa's Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu said" My blood will nourish the tree that will bear the fruits of freedom

BEFORE HE WAS HANGED, S. Africa's Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu said "My blood will nourish the tree that will bear the fruits of freedom. Tell my people that I love them. They must continue the fight, Aluta Continua" On 13 June 1977, Mahlangu and his companions, Mondy Johannes Motloung and George "Lucky" Mahlangu, were accosted by police in Goch Street, Johannesburg. “Lucky” Mahlangu managed to escape, however, in the ensuing gun battle two civilian men were killed and two wounded. Solomon Mahlangu and Motloung were arrested. Solomon Mahlangu was tried from the 7th of November 1977 to the 1st of March 1978, for charges associated with the attacks in Goch Street in June 1977. He was therefore charged with two counts of murder and several charges under the Terrorism Act. Mahlangu pleaded not guilty to the charges. His council stated that he entered South Africa in June 1977 as part of a group of ten, bringing arms, ammunition, explosives and ANC pamphlets into the cou...

Slavery was not “invented” by white people

Slavery was not “invented” by white people It did not start in 1619 when the first slaves came to Jamestown. It existed before then.  It did not start in 1492 when Columbus discovered the New World. In fact, when the intrepid explorer landed in the Bahamas, the native Taino tribe hoped he could help them defeat their aggressive neighbors, the Caribs.  The Caribs enslaved the Taino and, on occasion, served them for dinner. Slavery existed in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The word “slave” actually comes from the Slavs of Eastern Europe. Millions of them — all white by the way — were captured and enslaved by Muslims in the ninth century and later by the Ottoman Turks. Slavery existed when the Roman Empire controlled the Mediterranean and most of Europe from the 1st through the 5th centuries. Slavery existed when Alexander the Great conquered Persia in the 4th century BC. It was so common that Aristotle simply considered it “natural.”  The slave/master model was just how ...

Inside The Disturbing Sculptures Of Ireland’s Victor’s Way

Inside The Disturbing Sculptures Of Ireland’s Victor’s Way This "adults-only" sculpture garden boasts a vagina with teeth, a naked woman forcefully separating from her child, and a man with no penis cutting himself in half. Even stranger, this Irish park is supposed to help people who are undergoing a midlife crisis or "dysfunction." Discover the bizarre world of Victor's Way — and see why the owner doesn't want any visitors under 28: Victor Langheld created a sculpture garden meant for adults only, but it's not exactly what you'd expect. The park, called Victor's Way, contains nudity and somewhat violent sculptures made of black granite. However, it's not supposed to be pornographic. Instead, it's meant for spiritual reorientation and philosophical enlightenment. Victor Langheld created a sculpture garden meant for adults only, but it's not exactly what you'd expect. The park, called Victor's Way, contains nudity and somewhat...

A Mother Killed Her Baby To Escape A Horrible Predicament

A Mother Killed Her Baby To Escape A Horrible Predicament In February 1775, a Danish woman killed her four month old baby. When Authorities found her, she told them she would happily die for her crime. But why? Because at the time, a murder was more forgivable than suicide A woman slit the throat of her own baby. The crimes were part of a wave of suicide-murders in the 17th and 18th centuries - a wave that swept through much of Europe but was especially common in Denmark. Insane though it may sound, people used to commit murder just so they could get executed. They even researched what crimes incurred the death penalty to guarantee they would die. During that time in history, suicide was not only a crime - it also meant your soul would be condemned to Hell for eternity. Unlike people who committed public suicide, suicide-murderers were terrified of killing themselves - and so they committed capital crimes punishable by death. Unlike the suspicious suicides in history, these murderers w...

Roger Godfrin, the only survivor of a massacre during which Nazi troops locked 643 citizens (including 500 women and children) inside a church and set fire to it on June 10, 1944 in Oradour sur Glane, France

Roger Godfrin, the only survivor of a massacre during which Nazi troops locked 643 citizens (including 500 women and children) inside a church and set fire to it on June 10, 1944 in Oradour sur Glane, France. For centuries, what made the medieval village of Oradour special was its succulent freshwater crayfish. A delicacy for lovers of good cuisine, they could be found in the clear, sparkling waters of the River Glane as it ran through the wide pastures of the Limousin region in south-central France. This was a peaceful, pastoral village whose very name, Oradour, meant 'a place of prayer' in the local Occitan patois. Until one sunny Saturday afternoon in June 1944 when a regiment from the 'Das Reich' panzer division of the Waffen-SS surrounded it and, in scenes of unimaginable horror, ripped it and its inhabitants apart, leaving nothing but smoking ruins with whole generations wiped out. What happened to Oradour-sur-Glane that day 77 years ago — in a crime against human...

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