
Showing posts from February 17, 2024
I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


The Lost Executioner

The Lost Executioner • Between 1975 and 1979, the Khmer Rouge killed almost two million people, up to a quarter of Cambodia’s population. Over thirty years later, the first member of the radical Maoist group was finally brought to justice for the crime of genocide. Pol Pot’s chief executioner, Comrade Duch (4th slide), is thought to be responsible for the deaths of at least 12,272 men, women and children. • Over a decade of working in Cambodia, Nic Dunlop became obsessed with the idea of tracking down Duch. One day in 1999, whilst on assignment in a remote corner of Cambodia, Dunlop recognised a born-again Christian who was working for an American charity. He was face to face with Comrade Duch. • Duch confessed to his role in the Khmer Rouge killing apparatus and surrendered to the Cambodian authorities. The wheels of justice moved slowly, but in June 2007 a genocide tribunal was set up, backed by the United Nations and the Cambodian government. In February 2009 Duch finally came to tr...

A woman cuts her birthday cake 5 years before the Islamic revolution in Iran, 1973

A woman cuts her birthday cake 5 years before the Islamic revolution in Iran, 1973 The Iranian Revolution, or the Islamic Revolution, occurred in 1979 in Iran. It was a series of events that led to the overthrow of the monarchy at the time, the Pahlavi dynasty, which saw Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in power at the time. The new Islamic Republic replaced the monarchy, with Ayatollah Khomeini taking leadership, who was a leader in one of the revolting factions. The revolution was a combination of political and religious upheaval, driven by dissatisfaction with the Shah's rule. The revolution saw changes in terms of the Shah's modernisation politics, relations with the USA and secularism, and saw a focus on strengthening Iranian pride and traditional Islamic fundamentalism. Welcome to This is a blog site that focused on all that’s interesting and matters and history event. As a visitor, you are free to participate by sharing, comment, and asking of questions...

The women goat herders of Hadramaut

The women goat herders of Hadramaut These women are Bedouin Nomads and are Goat herders in Hadramaut, a region in east Yemen. They were black veils to protect them from the sun, and they wear straw-pointed hats - known as modhalla or by some ghomama (both mean 'umbrealla'). In this particular region, goat herding is a job exclusively for women. Hadhramout  is known as the cradle of mankind. Here, archaeologists have discovered evidence of ancient transitions from hunting and herding to irrigation agriculture, dating back 5,200 years ago or more. Herding is still a very important part of Hadhrami life. Especially for Bedouins and rural dwellers. It is mainly goats and a few sheep that are kept. In Hadhramaut, with Bedouins - tasks between men and women are clearly defined and strictly divided; the job of tending, herding and caring of/for goats is exclusively left to women. It is women, mainly young, unmarried women, who are most responsible for the herd. This responsibility nee...

The only known picture of outlaw Billy the Kid, 1880

The only known picture of outlaw Billy the Kid, 1880 Henry McCarty, who had the outlaw name "Billy the Kid" or "William Bonney" is one of the most infamous bandits to come out of the old American West, and was mostly active around the Arizona and New Mexico areas. Although McCarty is one of the most researched outlaws ever, much of his story is exaggerated or mythological, and therefore, it is hard to know what is true about McCarty and what is false. What we do know, is that McCarty was orphaned at 15 and that his mother was likely an Irish immigrant. He began to engage in petty crime in his teenage years. After murdering a Blacksmith in 1877, he joined a gang of cow thieves. He then joined a notorious gang called the Regulators. After McCarty and 2 other gang members killed a sheriff and 2 deputies, his notoriety grew. In April 1881, McCarty was captured by Sherriff Pat Garrett, and was found guilty of murder, and sentenced to hang in May of that year. However, Mc...

The incredibly stupid one, 1967

The incredibly stupid one, 1967 Douglas Hegdahl was in the US Navy during the Vietnam War. On April 6 1967, Hegdahl was on the USS Canberra in the Gulf of Tonkin, when he was knocked off the ship due to the blast of a large naval gun. He then swam to shore and was captured by Vietnamese militiamen, who beat him and sent him to Hỏa Lò Prison, an infamous prison for US personnel during the Vietnam War, which gained the name "The Hanoi Hilton Prison" by those incarcerated in it. Interrogators initially believed that Hegdahl was a spy, as they didn't believe that he was blasted overboard. It was then that Hegdahl realised that he had to outwit his captors, and adopted an identity of someone who was moderately intellectually disabled. Hegdahl then pretended to not be able to read or write and even kept up the act after a tutor was hired to teach him. His captors believed the act and labelled him as "The incredibly stupid one", and gave him full access to the prison. ...

Against Occupation Regulation: Pictures of US Soldiers Dating With Japanese Local Girls in 1946

Japan after the surrender. Anti fraternization laws (as in force in Germany and Japan) forbade that a US soldier approaching a little too close to a girl from a country "enemy." It was surely not to protect these girls from possible violence, but it was mostly to prevent young Americans will fraternize with "the devil"... As you can see, total fiasco of this law. US soldier and Japanese girl sharing cigarettes, which soldiers are forbidden to give away. US soldier and local girl sharing a chocolate bar and cigarettes. US soldier and local girl sharing a kiss, which is not allowed. US soldier and local girl sharing a meal in local establishment, with shoes sitting by door. US soldier giving civilian girl a ride in jeep, which is against occupation regulations. US soldier giving Japanese girl a bicycle ride, with handlebar riding forbidden. US soldiers can give Japanese girls a ride in US vehicles when they are on Red Cross tours. US soldier and a Japanese girl can ho...

Illustrations from the Animorph series in the early 2000s

Illustrations from the Animorph series in the early 2000s Animorphs was a book series written by Katherine Applegate and her husband, Michael Grant. It is told in first person, with Horror, war, imperialism, dehumanization, sanity, morality, innocence, leadership, freedom, family, and growing up are the main themes of the series. The plot follows a group of children who can morph into animals they touch, as they fight against a group of parasitic aliens who have invaded Earth. 1000 years from now future humans will discover these novels and will believe that this was the bible post 2000s.  there’s forced cannibalism within the first like 5 chapters. and it only gets worse from there. Welcome to This is a blog site that focused on all that’s interesting and matters and history event. As a visitor, you are free to participate by sharing, comment, and asking of questions and don't forget minding our policy in regards to whatever things you choose to do. You can...

Siberian bear hunting armour?

Siberian bear hunting armour? This image has been circulating on the Internet since 2014. Many people claim that this armour is Siberian bear hunting armour. The suit is made of leather, and dates from the 17th to the 18th century. It is covered in spikes to protect the wearer. However, its original purpose is debated. Some sources say it was used as bear hunting armour, as in Siberian and Russian culture, bear hunting was an activity done to prove the bravery of men, who sometimes even hunted bears without the use of firearms. Some other people say it was used as a bear-baiting suit. The wearer would bait bears into the line of fire of a hunter so that the shooter could get a clear shot. The purpose of the suit was to protect the wearer, who would be chased by the bear. Other people can't come up with an idea as to what the purpose of the suit is. My question for you, is what do you think it was used for? Best ideas will be pinned below! Welcome to This is ...

German soldier kissing Russian female soldier back when Germany and the Soviet Union were were invading Poland

German soldier kissing Russian female soldier back when Germany and the Soviet Union were were invading Poland. This photo has been shared online with it shows a German soldier and a Russien soldier kissing during the joined invasion of Poland in September 1939. The woman in the Soviet uniform and the German soldier are actually married The photo was authentic, the uniform details were right for 1939 and the people in the background also quite fit in. The photo was taken during the joined invasion of Poland in September 1939. Welcome to This is a blog site that focused on all that’s interesting and matters and history event. As a visitor, you are free to participate by sharing, comment, and asking of questions and don't forget minding our policy in regards to whatever things you choose to do. You can also subscribe to our Leak sex video channel A place where you can watch real lives leak sex video that has surface online. Don't be left out. Thank you.

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