
Showing posts from December 6, 2023
I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


The Fijian chief Udra Udre, was the world's most voracious cannibal

The Fijian chief Udra Udre, was the world's most voracious cannibal. He ate nothing but human flesh and ate at least 872 people in his life. The Fijian leader, Udre Udre, was the most voracious cannibal in the world.. During the 19th century the hungriest cannibal, Ratu Udre Udre reportedly ate between 872 and 999 people. The Fijian chief had kept a stone to record each body eaten and, these were placed along his tomb in Rakiraki, northern Viti Levu. There are also conflicting figures available on various websites on the number of people he ate. But a research by this newspaper has revealed that the number of people he ate was as many 872. According to documented evidence, the number could have been 900 or even more as some stones were missing. During their time, some of the cannibals used stones to count the number of people they had eaten and to keep a record. Like them, renowned cannibal Udre Udre is also said to have kept stones as a record of the humans he had consumed. It wa...

Ways For Geckos To Harm Humans?

Ways For Geckos To Harm Humans? WALL GECKO! Wall Gecko is deadlier than a snake. If it lick a toothbrush and someone uses the brush to clean teeth without washing it first, the person will die. If they penetrate into your soup or stew, it is very dangerous. Wall Gecko just recently wiped out a family of 6. Always cover your pot of soup or stew very well. Wash your big spoon before dipping into your stew or soup. Please share to your family and friends. Don't keep this information to yourself. Geckos have small teeth in their mouths. So, there is a possibility of getting gecko bites. Though their teeth are too small and have less power to penetrate human skin, bacterial infection can be caused if those teeth penetrate the skin. Usually, it does not hurt much and leaves a small scar where they bite. Large gecko bites can be more dangerous than small ones. Anyway, while handling geckos, protection is essential from their bites. If they bite, washing hands using an antibacterial soap i...


Strappado One of the most frequent tortures was certainlythe Strappado. How was it done? The main method was the following: the victims had his hands tied behind his back, then another rope was passed between the arms and was tied. The end of the rope was attached to a pulley and the victim was held a few meters from the ground, therefore all his weight was on his shoulders. The strappado, also known as corda, is a form of torture in which the victim's hands are tied behind their back and the victim is suspended by a rope attached to the wrists, typically resulting in dislocated shoulders. Weights may be added to the body to intensify the effect and increase the pain. This kind of torture would generally not last more than an hour without rest, as it would otherwise likely result in death Other names for strappado include "reverse hanging", "Palestinian hanging" and il tormento della corda. It was employed by the medieval Inquisition and many governments,[10] su...

Rope torture

Rope torture Of all the torture devices, the rope is the easiest to use and the easiest to find. An example of a rope torture would be to use it to tie the victim to a tree, leaving him exposed and defenseless from animals and other humans. Another would be to hang the victim at the gallows while ultimately inflicting death. It could also be used to restrain the victim's limbs while attaching the other end of the rope to horses which would be then made to run, consequently severing the victim's limbs.The rope was an instrument of torture used by the Huguenots in their persecution of Catholics, and involved sawing the human body with a hard-fibered rope. The victim would be stripped naked, and dragged back and forth across the rope while the 1 fibers cut into the flesh brutal torture devices - rope torture Of all the torture devices, the rope is the easiest to use and the easiest to find. An example of a rope torture would be to use it to tie the victim to a tree, leaving him ex...

Mystery ‘Alien’ ‘Mermaid’ Like Creature Washes Ashore In Australia And Baffles Scientists

Mystery ‘Alien’ ‘Mermaid’ Like Creature Washes Ashore In Australia And Baffles Scientists Photos of a creature resembling a "mermaid alien" that washed ashore on Keppel Sands in Queensland, Australia has people convinced mermaids are real "It had a human-shaped skull with an elongated jawline, and hair similar to the color of a cow or kangaroo, but with hair missing in many places due to decomposition Follow America's fastest-growing news aggregator, Spreely News, and stay informed. You can find all of our articles plus information from your favorite Conservative voices.  Vex on the beach. Photos of a creature — resembling a “mermaid alien” — washed ashore on an Australian beach have sent the internet into a collective tizzy online as viewers scramble to guess the mystery critter’s identity. The macabre-looking flotsam first came to light via a post in the Marine Biology Facebook group that’s currently making waves online. “It was exactly like a mermaid shape,” said ...

Leopard found electrocuted atop a 12-foot pole, baffles forest officials

Leopard found electrocuted atop a 12-foot pole, baffles forest officials 6 years ago, Horified Villagers Filmed Leopard Electrocuted At Top Of 12-Foot Pole Residents of a village in the Nizamabad district of Telangana, 180 kilometre from Hyderabad, watched stunned as a leopard dangled off the very top of an electric pole at least 12 feet high. The tragic death of the leopard was filmed by witnesses on cellphones in Mallaram village Authorities were surprised by how the animal managed to climb the pole since there were no trees close by from which it could’ve jumped. A male leopard died of electrocution when it climbed up a 12-foot electric pole at Mallaram village of Nizamabad district on Monday.  The villagers on their way to the fields early in the morning were shocked to find the limp body of the animal hanging from the top of the electric pole. They immediately alerted the local forest officials, who then brought the body down before sending it to the Nizamabad veterinary hospi...

1000 Facebook 'likes' lands Algerian man in jail for dangling baby from window

1000 Facebook 'likes' lands Algerian man in jail for dangling baby from window A stunt for 1000 Facebook “likes” has landed an Algerian man in jail. He was found guilty of endangering the safety of a baby boy. 4 years ago, a Man dangles infant out of 15-story window for Facebook 'likes' An unidentified man in Algeria spend two years behind bars after risking an infant boy's life, all to try and get 'likes' on Facebook. The man posted a horrifying photo and video dangling a baby boy by his shirt out the window of a 15-story high rise apartment building. The caption read, "1,000 likes or I will drop him." The shots are said to have been taken from the 15th floor of an apartment block. The accompanying caption to the photo read, “1,000 likes or I will drop him.” The photos shows other apartment blocks on the other side of his and a series of cars parked below. The baby is at one time looking in the direction of his dad and at another time looking down...

Chilling moment crocodile surfaces in a murky river holding a missing snorkeller in its jaws

Chilling moment crocodile surfaces in a murky river holding a missing snorkeller in its jaws - after it bit the man’s groin and dragged him under This is the chilling moment a crocodile emerged from the water carrying a missing man in its jaws the day after dragging him down by biting his crotch. Darlin Uti, 30, was snorkelling in the river to fix an underwater pipe near his home in Sulawesi, Indonesia, when the river beast attacked. The victim's sister, who was on the river bank, tried to help Darlin by pulling the hose he was using to breathe underwater. But the crocodile thrashed around in the water and disappeared into the depths having plunged its razor-sharp teeth into Darlin's crotch. Indonesian authorities immediately began searching for the missing man from the Kinapani Village alongside the Malaoge river.  The Search and Rescue Team spotted Uti's body the next day when the crocodile appeared on the surface with its jaws still clamped around Darlin's body. The ...

The story of the Zong slave ship: a mass murder masquerading

The story of the Zong slave ship: a mass murder masquerading Zong Massacre: The Tragic Story of How 133 Enslaved Africans Were Thrown into the Atlantic for Insurance Money In November 1781, the British crew of the slave ship Zong threw dozens of enslaved Africans overboard to preserve supplies after the ship became stranded in a low-wind area. The crew drowned over 50 women and children on the first day, and then jettisoned about 70 more people, who, still chained, quickly sank into the sea. Though one African captive who spoke English begged the crew to let them live, promising that he and the others could live without food or water until the ship reached Jamaica, the crew continued to mercilessly throw captives overboard. In all, 133 Africans were killed during the massacre, and while most were forcibly thrown into the water by the ship's creW, some ultimately jumped and took their own lives. Here is the Story in Details In August 1781, a British slave ship, the Zong, left Ghana ...

Oldest Narrative Scene: A Man, Holding His Penis, and Fighting Leopards

Oldest Narrative Scene: A Man, Holding His Penis, and Fighting Leopards! An 11,000-year-old carving from a Neolithic bench in south-eastern Turkey maybe the world’s oldest narrative scene. It depicts menacing leopards, amongst other animals, flanking two men, one of whom is holding his genitalia as he is being attacked. They have discovered what may be the earliest known narrative scene, telling an ancient story, at the 11,000-year-old site of Sayburç in south-eastern Turkey The two panels depict people interacting with dangerous animals. In one, a male human grasps their phallus while leopards approach from either side. In the other panel, a squatting male holding a rattle or snake faces a bull. The teeth of the leopards and horns of the bull are emphasized, highlighting the danger in the scenes. While similar art has been found at other ancient settlements in the region, the Sayburç images are unique in that they appear to be related to one another. The two panels are horizontally ad...

Facing their last moments with a smile: The Chinese women about to be executed for drug smuggling

Facing their last moments with a smile: The Chinese women about to be executed for drug smuggling A young woman sits cross-legged on the ground laughing playfully as she is fed a lychee. Another plays cards in pair of baggy pink pyjamas. The moving images could show any group of young women as they go about their daily lives in prison. But just hours - and in some cases minutes - after the pictures were taken, each of the four women were led into a concrete yard and executed.... read and watch the video  The previously unseen photographs have emerged for the first time in nearly a decade - and give an incredibly rare glimpse into final moments of Chinese prisoners on death row. Communist officials are notoriously guarded about the death penalty, in a country that carries out more executions than any other. But in an unprecedented move, an unnamed civilian photographer was allowed inside No 1 Detention Centre for women in the industrial city of Wuhan, in central China. The man took ...

Two engineers, trapped on top of a burning wind turbine, hug eachother. One jumped off, the other stayed

Two engineers, trapped on top of a burning wind turbine, hug eachother. One jumped off, the other stayed. This picture is from Ooltgensplaat, the Netherlands, in 2013. This wind turbine caught fire as two technicians were working on it, and there really wasn't much they could do once the blaze got going. In this picture, the two embrace before one tries his luck at jumping almost 200 feet to his death. The other tried crawling down through the tube, only to get trapped inside. They were 19 and 21 years old.... Read story  October 31, 2013 (Netherlands) – Two young mechanics, ages 19 and 21, died when a fire broke out in a wind turbine where they were performing  routine maintenance.  The tragedy occurred at Deltawind’s Piet de Wit wind farm in the Netherlands, but highlights the hazards associated with fires caused by wind turbines. According to the Netherlands Times, “because of the height, the fire department initially had trouble extinguishing the fire in the engine ro...


WEST MEMPHIS THREE The West Memphis Three are three men who were tried and convicted as teenagers in 1994 of the 1993 murders of three boys in West Memphis, Arkansas. Damien Echols was sentenced to death, Jessie Misskelley, Jr. was sentenced to life imprisonment plus two 20-year sentences, and Jason Baldwin was sentenced to life imprisonment. During the trial, the prosecution asserted that the children were killed as part of a Satanic ritual. A number of documentaries have been based on the case, and celebrities and musicians have held fund raisers in the belief that they are innocent....  In July 2007, new forensic evidence was presented in the case and a status report jointly issued by the state and the defense team stated, "Although most of the genetic material recovered from the scene was attributable to the victims of the offenses, some of it cannot be attributed to either the victims or the defendants." On October 29, 2007, the defense filed a Second Amended Writ of Hab...

How history textbooks reflect America’s refusal to reckon with slavery

How history textbooks reflect America’s refusal to reckon with slavery Textbooks have been slow to incorporate black humanity in their slavery narratives. And they still have a long way to go. Four hundred years ago, a group of about 20 Africans were captured in the African interior, probably near modern-day Angola, and forcibly transported on a slave ship headed to the Americas. After tumultuous months at sea, they landed ashore in the first British colony in North America — Jamestown, Virginia — in late August 1619 “The settlers bought them,” explained the 1903 text, “... and found them so helpful in raising tobacco that more were brought in, and slavery became part of our history.” Its barebones lesson plan included just two easily digestible factoids for the year 1619: the introduction of the Africans — with an illustration of two half-naked black people standing on a beach before a pontificating pirate and a crowd of onlookers — and the creation of the Virginia House of Burgesses,...

Malaysian student couple arrested for violating public decency after video of sex act in car goes viral

Malaysian student couple arrested for violating public decency after video of sex act in car goes viral 7th April 2023 – (Johor Bahru) A video of a young couple engaged in sexual activity inside a red car parked at an empty parking lot in Johor, Malaysia, has gone viral on social media, leading to their arrest.  The video, which was filmed by a bystander who approached the car, shows the girl sitting on her boyfriend’s lap with her pants off, The clip has caused a stir online, with memes and jokes circulating, but it has also raised concerns among parents about what their children may be doing behind their backs... read and watch the video Malaysian student couple arrested for violating public decency after video of sex act in car goes viraluple appears to be caught by surprise and the girl hides her face  from the camera when confronted. The man then told the bystander that his ‘girlfriend was sick’. The boyfriend begged the bystander to delete the clip, but unfortunately, it...

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