I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...
Showing posts from December 12, 2023
ISIS Executes Man By Running Him Over With Armoured Tank
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ISIS executes its members who fled Sharqat Battle using a bulldozer New ISIS VIDEO Shows Yet Tank Another Sick Method of Execution as it Crushes 19-year-old Captive Under the Tracks of a Battle tank ISIS executed a 9-year-old Syrian soldier by running over him with a tank Captive is forced to confess to running over jihadis' bodies in sick video The human rights group claims this is the first execution of its kind by ISIS Islamic State militants have released a sick new execution video showing a 19-year-old Syrian soldier being run over by a tank. New ISIS VIDEO Shows Yet Tank Another Sick Method of Execution as it Crushes 19-year-old Captive Under the Tracks of a Battle The soldier, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, is forced to confess driving over the dead bodies of jihadis with a tank, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The ISIS fighter, dressed in white, tells the camera the soldier's punishment is to be run over by a tank while he is alive. here is the vid...
Scaphism, a horrible torture method allegedly used in Persia
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Scaphism, a horrible torture method allegedly used in Persia History is not short on horrible tortures. I listened to a lengthy podcast about it once. The guy focused on fire since according to him, it was one of the most common of the horrible ways to kill people. The interesting (rather than horrifying) part about it though was he said that most cultures that used torture. Like fire. Most of the time (not all of the time) there was good evidence of leniency'. You might be dead before being burned for instance. It was enough that the public thought you had been tortured to death when they saw your body. Of course l could be misremembering and history was a mighty long time and took place in a bunch of different places. Breaking on the wheel was almost exclusively practiced in the Holy Roman Empire (roughly the same territory as modern Germany) and the kingdom of the Franks (modern France). Britain had plenty of other horrible things to do to you instead - boiling for poisoners, b...
A picture taken from the history museum of Lahore. Shows an Indian being tied for execution by Canon, by British Empire Soldiers
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A picture taken from the history museum of Lahore. Shows an Indian being tied for execution by Canon, by British Empire Soldiers. George Carter Stent described the process as follows: The prisoner is generally tied to a gun with the upper part of the small of his back resting against the muzzle. When the gun is fired, his head is seen to go straight up into the air some forty or fifty feet; the arms fly off right and left, high up in the air, and fall at, perhaps, a hundred yards distance; the legs drop to the ground beneath the muzzle of the gun; and the body is literally blown away altogether, not a vestige being seen. Isis did some fucked up shit but the one thing I can't get over is the shotgun blast to the back of the head- it makes the face and especially eyes bulge for a split second in a way that is just sickeningly cartoonish Sickest thing I ever saw isis do, by FAR, was to give a gun to a toddler and make him execute a prisoner. That's fucked up Have you ever seen the...
The execution by hanging of anti-Khomeini Iranians in Hamadan, 1982
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The execution by hanging of anti-Khomeini Iranians in Hamadan, 1982 - It should be mentioned that the main reason Khomeini was in power in the first place occurred over two decades earlier. The democratically elected government of Mohammad Mosadegh was overthrown in 1953 by a joint CIA/British SIS coup, mostly to secure British Petroleum control of Iranian oil reserves butalso to 'protect" the country against potential Soviet infiltration by installing a dictator. Mohammad RezaShah Pahlavi (son of the previous dictator under whom Mosadegh had served as PM) was placed on the Iranian. Throne, where he received lots of support from the US.for clamping down on alleged Soviet activities, until the.Iranian Revolution in 1979. It should also be mentioned that the Revolution didn't begin as an lslamist movement but ultimately became one under Khomeini's leadership. Not to excuse anything that Khomeini's group did in the aftermath, but it should be understood that they didn...
An executed nun, exhibited at the Castle Montjuic in Barcelona for crimes against the state in 1936 during the Spanish civil war
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An executed nun, exhibited at the Castle Montjuic in Barcelona for crimes against the state in 1936 during the Spanish civil war. It is believed that her corpse was dug up from the grave. The Red terror is the period of time when acts of violences were committed during the Spanish civil war, mostly by the communistic parties. it was the republicans not the fascists, and they just disinterred a bunch of nun corpses form a church, not.executed nun. Read story below Spain Catalonia Barcelona: Spanish Civil War Pillaging and desecration of church institutions by supporters of the Republicans; the corpses of nuns from a monastery in Barcelona were ripped out of graves and displayed on a wall - no further details - (Eingeschränkte Rechte für bestimmte redaktionelle Kunden in Deutschland. Limited rights for specific editorial clients in Germany.) Spain Catalonia Barcelona: Spanish Civil War Pillaging and desecration of church institutions by supporters of the Republicans; the corpses of nuns ...
Methods Of Execution: The Garrote
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Methods Of Execution: The Garrote These-photographs-show-favorite-Spain-its-colonies-above-circa-garrotting-Philippine-Islands-another-colony-photograph-below- These-photographs-show-favorite-Spain-its-colonies-above-circa-garrotting-Philippine-Islands-another-colony-photograph-below- These photographs show the favorite execution method of Spain and its colonies: garrotting. The above photograph [circa 1898] shows a garrotting in the Philippine Islands, another Spanish colony. The photograph [below] shows a prison yard execution in Cuba, about 1895. Both countries came under United States control after the Spanish American War, "America's Splendid War" of 1898. The method is simple: the condemned is strapped into a chair and a metal band, heavy leather strap, or other type of band is placed around the neck; the executioner stands behind the condemned and twists the cord or strap around a rod, tightening the band and strangling the person to death. During the Inquisition,...
In the original source there was listed no reason for this elaborate execution of this German prisoner, but it may
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In the original source there was listed no reason for this elaborate execution of this German prisoner, but it may have been a spy, but that doesn't explain why he's in a uniform. It's a poignant photograph nonetheless, perhaps taken just moments before the trigger was pulled. To accompany these photographs I'l recite the (somewhat relevant) poem "Atrocities" by British poet and soldier Siegfried Sassoon: "You told me, in your drunken-boasting mood, How once you butchered prisoners. That was good! I'm sure you felt no pity as they stood, Patient and cowed and scared, as prisoners should. How did you do them in? Come, don't be shy: You know I love to hear how Germans die, Downstairs in dug-outs. "Kamerad!" they cry, Then squeal like stoats when bombs begin to fly. And you? I know your record. You went sick when orders looked unwholesome: Then, with trick and lie You wangled home. And here you are, Still talking big and boozing in a bar....
The director of Belgrade Zoo talks to Sami the chimp trying to convince him to come back to the zoo
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The director of Belgrade Zoo talks to Sami the chimp trying to convince him to come back to the zoo, 1988 Sami was a chimpanzee who lived in Belgrade Zoo between 1988-1992. He broke out twice in February 1988. When Sami was introduced to his enclosure he became depressed and showed aggressive behavior. The enclosure was poor and conditions were not at a good standard. Due to these conditions, and a primal instinct to be free, Sami broke out and explored the streets of Belgrade. Sami did not cause any damage but people were frightened of him. He went to Kalemegdan Park and was cornered. The zoo director, Vuj Bojovik, called Sami and began to talk to him. Bojovik was the only person Sami trusted. Bojovik told him "Sami, let's go home" and Sanmi took his hand. They then went back to the zoo. Two days later, Sami broke out. He wandered around the zoo before going into Belgrade once again. Many tried to capture Sami with a net but he continued his adventure. Sami was once agai...
De Loys's ape
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Louis François Fernand Hector de Loys ( 1892–1935 ) was a Swiss oil geologist. He is remembered today for the claim that he discovered a previously unknown primate, De Loys's ape, during a 1920 oil survey expedition in Venezuela. The identity of the animal he photographed has long been established with considerable confidence to be a spider monkey, and the identification as a new species is generally regarded as a hoax. De Loys's ape Between 1917–1920 , de Loys and his men were searching for oil around the River Tarra and Río Catatumbo at the Venezuela–Colombia border in South America (Bernard Heuvelmans, 1959). This mountainous region, the Sierra de Perijaa, was heavily forested, and that time was inhabited by the 'dangerous' Motilone Indians. One day, while de Loys and his crew were resting near the Tarra River deep in the jungle, two monkeys suddenly stepped out of the woods, screaming and shaking branches. They were holding onto bushes, walked upright, then broke of...
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