
Showing posts from November 11, 2023
I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


Using 800 Pounds To Press A Woman Made Her Ribs Burst Through Her Skin

Using 800 Pounds To Press A Woman Made Her Ribs Burst Through Her Skin Dating back to the 13th century, England used pressing as a form of punishment, and it continued well into Britain's Enlightenment. Victims not only suffocated, but their bones were also crushed and sometimes even burst through their skin. And the most famous case occurred in the United States, when Giles Corey was pressed to death in the Salem witch trials. Shockingly, people who were pressed to death often had a very good reason for choosing their brutal executions. Using 800 Pounds To Press A Woman Made Her Ribs Burst Through Her Skin.. Read story  Using 800 Pounds To Press A Woman Made Her Ribs Burst Through Her Skin. Margaret Clitherow, charged with harboring priests and practicing Catholicism, was taken to a public bridge on March 25, 1586, for refusing to enter a plea. First, she was stripped naked in front of everyone, which scholars Peter Lake and Michael Questier explained as an "obscene, virtuall...

Ba-yanzi execution whereby the head of the victim is held Wellcome

Ba-yanzi execution whereby the head of the victim is held Wellcome A Ba-yanzi execution whereby the head of the victim is held in a contraption which on beheading will catapult the head in the air, leaving the rump tied to the ground. The image is surrounded by other vignettes illustrating the life on the river Congo, including a Ba-Yanzi grave with broken crockery and a monument of mud CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO .

Poland, Women naked, before their execution

Poland, Women naked, before their execution The Sonderkommando photographs are four blurred photographs taken secretly in August 1944 inside the Auschwitz concentration camp in German-occupied Poland.  Along with a few photographs in the Auschwitz Album, they are the only ones known to exist of events around the gas chamber.. Read story  The images were taken within 15–30 minutes of each other by an inmate inside Auschwitz-Birkenau, the extermination camp within the Auschwitz complex. Usually named only as Alex, a Jewish prisoner from Greece, the photographer was a member of the Sonderkommando, inmates forced to work in and around the gas Poland, Women naked, before their execution. Several sources identified him as Alberto Errera, a Greek naval officer. He took two shots from inside one of the gas chambers and two outside, shooting from the hip, unable to aim the camera with any precision. The Polish resistance smuggled the film out of the camp in a toothpaste tube. The photo...

Ewa Paradies (17 December 1920 – 4 July 1946) was a Nazi concentration camp overseer.

Ewa Paradies (17 December 1920 – 4 July 1946) was a Nazi concentration camp overseer. In August 1944, Paradies arrived at the Stutthof SK-III camp for training as an Aufseherin, or overseer. She soon finished training and became a wardress. In October 1944, she was reassigned to Stutthof's Bromberg-Ost subcamp, and in January 1945, back to the main Stutthof camp. In April 1945, Paradies accompanied one of the last transports of women prisoners to the Lauenburg subcamp and fled. After she was captured, she was a defendant in the Stutthof trial. One witness testified: She ordered a group of female prisoners to undress in the freezing cold of winter, and then doused them with ice cold water. When the women moved, Paradies beat them... Read story  For this and other brutalities, including causing the deaths of some prisoners[citation needed], Paradies was sentenced to death. She was publicly executed by short-drop hanging on 4 July 1946 with 10 other Stutthof guards and kapos (five wom...

Naked Jewish women from the Mizocz ghetto wait in a line before their execution by the German Order Police with the assistance of Ukrainian auxiliaries, 1942

Naked Jewish women from the Mizocz ghetto wait in a line before their execution by the German Order Police with the assistance of Ukrainian auxiliaries, 1942  Naked Jewish women, some of whom are holding infants, wait in a line before their execution by German Sipo and SD with the assistance of Ukrainian auxiliaries Naked Jewish women, some of whom are holding infants, wait in a line before their execution by German Sipo and SD, with the assistance of Ukrainian auxiliaries. According to the Zentrale Stelle in Germany (Zst. II 204 AR 1218/70), these Jews were collected by the German Gendarmerie and Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft during the liquidation of the Mizocz ghetto, which held roughly 1,700 Jews. On the eve of the ghetto's liquidation (13 October 1942), some of the inhabitants rose up against the Germans and were defeated after a short battle. The remaining members of the community were transported from the ghetto to this ravine in the Sdolbunov Gebietskommissariat, south of Rovn...

Stoned to death with her lover: Horrific video of execution of girl, 19, killed by Afghan Taliban for running away from arranged marriage

Stoned to death with her lover: Horrific video of execution of girl, 19, killed by Afghan Taliban for running away from arranged marriage Horrific video footage has emerged of Taliban insurgents stoning a couple to death for alleged adultery in northern Afghanistan. Hundreds of villagers can be seen on the video standing around as the woman, Siddqa, is buried up to her waist in a four foot hole in the ground..  read and watch the video  Two mullahs pass sentence before the crowd begins to throw rocks at her head and body as she desperately tries to crawl free. But the 19-year-old collapses to the ground, covered in blood - but miraculously still alive. At this point a Taliban fighter shoots her three times in the head with an AK-47The crowd can be heard shouting allahu akbar as she is killed. Her lover, Khayyam, is then marched in front of the crowd with his hands tied behind his back. He is blindfolded with his own tunic and crouches down close to the ground as he trie...

In 1953, Barbara Graham, her boyfriend, Perkins and two other accomplices heard an woman named Mable Monohan kept a large stash of money at her house

In 1953, Barbara Graham, her boyfriend, Perkins and two other accomplices heard an woman named Mable Monohan kept a large stash of money at her house In 1953, Barbara Graham, her boyfriend, Perkins and two other accomplices heard an woman named Mable Monohan kept a large stash of money at her house. All being gang members and drug addicts, desperate for money, they came up with a scheme to rob Mable for all she had. In March 1953, Barbara joined Perkins and Santo, as well as John True and Baxter Shorter (two of their associates), in robbing Monohan's home in Burbank.  Barbara reportedly gained entry by asking to use her phone. Once Monohan opened the door for Graham, the three men burst in. The gang demanded money and the jewels from Monohan, but she refused to give them anything. At this point, Barbara reportedly pistol-whipped Monohan, cracking her skull. They then suffocated her with a pillow. The robbery attempt was a futile effort; the gang found nothing of value in the house ...

Photos Of Normandy After D-Day (June 1944)

Photos Of Normandy After D-Day (June 1944) grande guillotte, 23 year-old-french girl collaborated with the germans in normandy. when her town was liberated by allied troops, french patriots dragged her from her house and cut off all her hair. a french patriot cuts off grande guillotte’s hair while another holds her in france on july 7, 1944 They called it the épuration sauvage, the wild purge, because it was spontaneous and unofficial. But, yes, it was savage, too. In the weeks and months following the D-Day landings of June 6, 1944, Allied troops and the resistance swept across France liberating towns and villages, and unleashing a flood of collective euphoria, relief and hope. And then the punishments began. The victims were among the most vulnerable members of the community: Women. Accused of “horizontal collaboration” — sleeping with the enemy — they were targeted by vigilantes and publicly humiliated.... Read story   Their heads were shaved, they were stripped half...

Mother elephant kills crocodile to protect her calf

Mother elephant kills crocodile to protect her calf  A mother elephant killed a crocodile that posed a threat to her young calf A viral video on social media has captured the attention of many people, including wildlife enthusiasts, at how an elephant calf got its trunk bitten by a crocodile lurking in the swamps where the herd came for a drink. Luckily, the baby elephant was rescued by its mother, whose maternal instincts kicked in. Elephants are just one of many animals that display maternal instincts to protect their young from predators and harm. Read on to know the full details of the encounter between the crocodile and the elephants. Mother Elephant Stomps on Crocodile Preying on Its Calf Mothers are always there for their offspring, even sacrificing their own lives to keep their young safe. Although this is mostly observed in humans, the wildlife also has so much to offer, and the recent viral video is just one of many pieces of evidence that mother animals care so much for ...

How Man With Two Faces Died At 23

How Man With Two Faces Died At 23 Edward Mordake (sometimes spelled Mordrake) is the apocryphal subject of an urban legend who was born in the 19th century as the heir to an English peerage with a face at the back of his head. According to legend, the face could whisper, laugh or cry. Mordake repeatedly begged doctors to remove it, claiming it whispered bad things to him at night. Mordake committed suicide at the age of 23... Read story  An account described Mordake’s figure as one with “remarkable grace” and with a face similar to that of an Antinous.The second face on the back of Mordake’s head — supposedly female reportedly had a pair of eyes and a mouth that drooled. The duplicate face could not see, eat, or speak, but was said to “sneer while Mordake was happy” and “smile while Mordake was weeping”. According to legend, Mordake repeatedly begged doctors to have his “demon face” removed, claiming that at night it whispered things that “one would only speak about in hell”, but n...

Inside The Bloody Story Of Defenestration, One Of History’s Wildest Execution Methods

Inside The Bloody Story Of Defenestration, One Of History’s Wildest Execution Methods The definition of defenestration comes from the Latin word de, meaning “out of” or “from,” and fenestra, meaning “window.” But its origin comes from an incident in Prague in the Kingdom of Bohemia (part of today’s Czech Republic) in 1419. Humans have invented countless ways to execute criminals, political rivals, and enemy combatants throughout history. But one of the most bizarre execution methods is also one of the most simple: throwing people out a window. Also known as "defenestration," this practice dates at least as far back as the 9th century B.C.E. — when the Israelite Queen Jezebel was thrown out of her palace window as punishment for banishing all the prophets of Yahweh from the kingdom. But it wasn't until the Middle Ages in Europe that the practice really took off, particularly in Bohemia, where some 20 leaders were defenestrated over 200 years. Go inside the strange history ...

November 1, 1955 Jack Gilbert Graham placed a bomb in his mother's suitcase and killed 44 people that day

November 1, 1955 Jack Gilbert Graham placed a bomb in his mother's suitcase and killed 44 people that day. Daisy Walker was on her way on a much needed vacation and decided to book a flight to Alaska to visit her daughter. Before her so drove her to the airport, Jack decided to place a bomb in her suitcase. He thought he planned the perfect murder, as he set the timer on the bomb to go off once she was in the air far away from their city. Once he was at the airport, he bought life insurance on his mother's life, kissed her goodbye and watched her load onto the plane with many other innocent  souls.  Buying life insurance by passengers was pretty common during the early days of commercial flights. They were readily available in vending machines.  The plane departed from New York, landed in Chicago, continued on to Denver picking up more people on the way. The next stop was going to be Seattle but it never arrived as it exploded soon after leaving Denver.... Read story...

A team of doctors removed a giant-sized tumor from a woman during emergency surgery on Wednesday at a hospital in Rio de Janeiro

A team of doctors removed a giant-sized tumor from a woman during emergency surgery on Wednesday at a hospital in Rio de Janeiro. The 45-year-old patient had been living with the tumor for five years, according to Dr. Glaucio Boechat, who revealed images of the tumor on his social media accounts. It took doctors two hours to remove the 100-pound mass that hung over the midsection of the woman, who is 4 feet and nine inches tall and was weighing 330 pounds at the time of the operation. It’s unknown why the tumor had not been previously removed. Dr. Glaucio Boechat poses with the tumor that was removed from a 45-year-old woman at São José do Avai Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Wednesday took a team of 14 staff members of the medical team to remove the 100-pound tumor during a two-hour operation. At least 14 doctors were involved in the surgery to remove the lump. The cost of the operation is covered by the medical facility and Brazil’s publicly funded health system. While Boechat...

Couple caught having sex while DRIVING at high speed on motorway

Couple caught having sex while DRIVING at high speed on motorway Couple caught having sex while DRIVING at high speed on motorway The clip, shot by the passenger of a passing motorist, shows a green people carrier speeding down a busy motorway near the city of Chicago, US. As the driver’s seat comes into shot, viewers are met with the sight of a woman straddling the male driver. Bizarrely the pair can be seen having passionate sex in the front of the vehicle as it speeds along the highway.  Voices from inside the filming car express their horror at the danger the two motorists are putting themselves and other road users in. The short clip ends with the driver spotting the passing camera and putting his hand out of the window attempting to block the shot in vain. It is not exactly clear when the video was shot although more than 1.5 million people have seen the footage since it was posted online. “What is wrong with people these days – couldn’t they wait til they got home?” said one...

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