I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


Historically Disturbing Pictures

Last Picture From The Eruption Of Mount St. Helens

When Mount St. Helens erupted in Washington on May 18, 1980, photographer Robert Landsburg was within a few miles of the volcano and he knew there was no way out.

Aware that any escape attempt would be futile, he stayed in the thick of the action and took as many pictures as he could before securing his camera in his backpack. As the ash grew thicker, Landsburg covered the backpack with his body, determined to ensure that his images would survive ,determined photographer

National Geographic

The Hilo Tsunami Of 1946

On April 1, 1946, an 8.6-magnitude earthquake off the coast of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska sent shockwaves throughout the Pacific. An ocean-wide tsunami quickly began to form, causing waves to reach as high as 13 stories.

Soon, the tsunami struck Hilo, Hawaii, leaving more than 170 people dead in what remains one of the worst disasters in Hawaiian history.

This chilling image captures the final moments of the unknown person at the bottom left.

If these photos give you peace of mind then you're all good smiley

The Amityville Horror House

The infamous house in Amityville, New York where Ronald DeFeo Jr. slaughtered his parents and four siblings, as seen just hours after the murders.

On Nov. 13, 1974, DeFeo stalked from room to room and shot his sleeping family dead with a .35 caliber rifle. The Amityville murders were said to leave the house haunted, a story that eventually inspired The Amityville Horror ,big fan.

Though skeptics have since called the haunting story into question, DeFeo claimed that otherworldly voices emanating from the house itself ordered him to kill.

Chilling Message From The Lipstick Killer
"For heavens sake catch me before I kill more I cannot control myself"

On December 10, 1945, William Heirens left this note scrawled in lipstick on the wall of Frances Brown's Chicago apartment. Just before writing this message, Heirens brutally stabbed Brown to death and left a knife sticking out of her neck.

Heirens became known as "The Lipstick Killer" and took one more victim before police finally caught him six months later.

Pete Spence, Hardened Killer Of The Old West

This 1883 mugshot of Pete Spence is the only known photo of this Old West outlaw who terrorized Arizona alongside the infamous Frank and Tom McLaury.

Already a known thief, Spence became the prime suspect in the 1882 murder of Morgan Earp, brother of legendary lawman Wyatt Earp. But there was only one witness — Spence's own wife. The judge decided to rule her testimony inadmissible due to spousal privilege, despite the fact she claimed to have heard Spence plotting the murder with several friends.

However, a year later he was arrested for pistol-whipping and killing a man. He served only 18 months of a five-year sentence, as the governor decided to pardon

The Rape Of Nanjing

Few of the countless atrocities committed in Asia both before and during World War II were as ghastly as those perpetrated during the infamous Rape of Nanjing starting in December 1937.

Within a matter of weeks, the Japanese troops that had invaded this Chinese city raped as many as 80,000 people and killed up to 350,000.

Beheading by katana, as seen here, was a regular occurrence during this horrific invasion. Two Japanese soldiers even held a contest to see who could kill 100 people with their sword first and newspapers covered it like a sporting event. Terrible

The Creepy Pictures Captured Inside Serial Killer Ed Gein's House

When police finally caught serial killer Ed Gein in 1957, they found a trove of grim evidence that revealed the horrors of his years of grave-robbing, murder, necrophilia, and cannibalism.

Officers' search of Gein's Wisconsin home turned up furniture and kitchen utensils made from human remains, a gutted corpse in his shed, a belt fashioned out of human nipples, and jars of organs.

Though Gein was quickly locked away in an institution for the rest of his life, the creepy photos taken in his home remain chilling to this day

A Shell-Shocked Soldier Of World War I
Before shell shock was called "war neurosis" or "post-traumatic stress disorder" and before experts actually began to understand the psychological trauma that war could cause, veterans of World War I were largely left to fight their own mental health battles.

The creepy historical image of the shell-shocked soldier seen here starkly highlights the horror of war—and what being stuck in a trench during the Battle of Flers-Courcelette could do to a man. Captured in September 1916, this photo was taken years before World War I even ended. By the time the end came, countless other men would suffer a similar fate.

Photos Of The Mummies Of Venzone

In 1647, laborers working on a cathedral in Venzone, Italy found the eerily preserved remains of a man inside a tomb in the churchyard. His body had dried and shriveled to just 33 pounds, leaving his skin like parchment, but he hadn't decomposed.

After more corpses like this one were found in the ensuing decades and centuries, locals and experts alike were long baffled as to how these bodies had been naturally mummified. Since the early 20th century, many have believed that a certain fungus was responsible, while more modern theories say that the particular soil and water conditions are the explanation. However, the mummies of Venzone remain largely mysterious to this day.

"Student's Dream"

At the turn of the 19th century, medical students commonly posed for photographs with their deceased subjects. "Privileged access to the body marked a social, moral, and emotional boundary crossing," wrote John Harley Warner and James M. Edmondson in Dissection: Photographs of a Rite of Passage in American Medicine 1880-1930.

As the quote scrawled on the table in this photo explained, it was this particular students' dream to change places with the cadavers and have them "pose" with him. How exactly he arranged all of the cadavers before taking the photo remains a bit of a mystery.

Forced Open Casket of Vladimir Komarov
When Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov was tapped to pilot the Soyuz 1 mission slated for April 23, 1967, he knew he was doomed. The craft had showed problems during testing and it was clear that the man put inside it would not come back alive.

Although the dangers were clear, no one was willing to back out and risk disappointing the Soviet high command. Even Komarov refused to back out because doing so would have doomed the next pilot in line, friend and fellow cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

Sure enough, upon re-entry, the craft's parachute failed and Komarov burned to death as the Soyuz hurtled through the atmosphere at unthinkable speeds. With that, Komarov became the first human to ever die in space flight. Even before his fateful flight, he was so sure that he would die that he asked for an open casket funeral (pictured above) that'd force his superiors to see what they'd done to him. To this day, this creepy historical photo of his remains continues to tell his story.

Hannelore Schmatz, The Skeleton Atop Mount Everest

Hannelore Schmatz was the fourth woman in the world to reach the summit of Mount Everest. Tragically, she was also the first woman to die on it.

The German mountaineer and her husband embarked on their journey in 1979 with high hopes. But during the descent after reaching the summit, Schmatz grew weak from the trek and succumbed to exhaustion and the cold.

For years after Schmatz died, her body lay frozen on the mountainside just as she had fallen — sitting down against her backpack, her hair blowing in the wind, and her eyes wide open. Other climbers who passed her corpse on the trail would say that they could feel her eyes follow them as they walked by.

Unit 731
Both before and during World War II, Japan's biological and chemical weapons division Unit 731 carried out some of the most grotesque human experiments in history.

Determined to master germ warfare and test the limits of human suffering, Unit 731 conducted a wealth of torturous tests on captured Chinese civilians that ranged from purposeful frostbite and vivisection on conscious patients to weapons testing on live prisoners and rape.

Seen here is Unit 731 personnel conducting a bacteriological trial on a test subject in November 1940.

Picture Foreshadowed The Columbine Massacre
On April 20, 1999, the Columbine High School shooting left all of America in shock after teenagers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold massacred 12 of their classmates and one teacher before turning their guns on themselves.

In the aftermath, everyone attempted to make sense of how the shooting could have happened, how two "normal" teens could be capable of something like this. Parents, police, pundits, and survivors alike searched for clues and retroactive warnings in the pre-shooting behaviors of Harris and Klebold.

Perhaps the most chilling artifact uncovered in the wake of the shooting was this class photo taken a few weeks before the massacre, which appears rather standard at first. But a closer look at the top left corner shows the two shooters posing their hands like guns and pointing them at the camera.

The Sorcerer. May I ask what the motivation behind these your creepy posts are?

The Car with the Bomb Of 1998

The Omagh bombing in Northern Ireland on Aug. 15, 1998 killed 29 people and injured more than 200 bystanders. Carried out by members of the Real Irish Republican Army, it was the deadliest attack during the three-decades-long conflict known as the Troubles, which pitted those who wanted Northern Ireland to remain unified with Great Britain against those who didn't.

Arguably the most chilling photo taken during the entirety of the Troubles, this image shows a happy father and his carefree son standing next to a car in Omagh that was wired with explosives and about to blow. They both died moments later.

Prayer Of The Doomed Apollo 1 Astronauts

Although this photo was taken as a lighthearted gag, the image of the Apollo 1 crew jokingly praying over a miniature of their command module turned deadly serious in retrospect. The three men — Roger Chaffee, Virgil Grissom, and Ed White — would burn to death during a test launch on January 27, 1967.

Tragically, the three men had even voiced concerns about the craft's amount of flammable materials to Joseph Shea, manager of the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office. They then took this portrait and presented it to Shea shortly before the fatal accident with a caption that read: "It isn't that we don't trust you, Joe, but this time we've decided to go over your head."


Heaven's Gate Cult

Members of the Heaven's Gate cult believed they were destined for another world where they would transcend to the next level in human evolution when 39 of them killed themselves en masse inside their California home on March 26, 1997.

Indoctrinated by cult leader Marshall Applewhite, who claimed that a spaceship following the Hale-Bopp comet would transport them to a utopian planet, devotees eagerly followed his instructions.

On that fateful day in March, the 39 cultists consumed a mixture of barbiturates and applesauce and washed it down with vodka. Group by group, bags were tied over their heads to ensure asphyxiation. Applewhite himself was the 37th to die. They were found wearing matching Nike sneakers and "Heaven's Gate Away Team" armbands a few days


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