I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


German soldiers taken prisoner at Stalingrad, 1943

German soldiers taken prisoner at
Stalingrad, 1943

About 1 in 8 of them survived being pows and made it back to Germany.

Of course, it depends on precisely what time frame you're talking about and who you're asking(the Russians
had a much lower number, of course), but the German government, after the war, estimated about 1 in 3, with
the last prisoner returning home in 1956.

No question, though. It was a lot. The first thought I had when I saw this
picture was "things will not go well for you."

Seriously? I thought the number was more like 1 in 2. That may be close for the overall German prisoners during the war, but for just the German prisoners taken at Stalingrad, only 5,000 of 91,000 POWs taken
ever returned to Germany.

dude what... those are EXTERMINATION CAMPS, im talking about surviving concentration camps.
HUGE difference! Also, The jewish population in europe Pre-ww2
was 9.5 million. After ww2 it was 3.8 million, so 6 million were killed by the nazis. That means the odds of a Jewish person surviving
ww2 in europe from 1939-1945 was 33%. Taking in account of the extermination camps, the death
squads etc..

BUT if we just isolate the results from
concentration camps, on average there was around a 50% fatality rate.among jews.

Ya concentration camps were to "concentrate" Nazi victims where the elements and conditions could kill you, but extermination camps, your survival rate was close to zero unless you got on as a sonderkommando.

Jews that were forced to recover the
corpses from the gas chambers and move them to the incinerators. Or perform any other menial labour around the camps.

oh i thought they typically used POWs
for that (like american soliders etc..)
I think the main point you're missing is that 99% of those Jews were innocent civilians while 100% of the German soldiers in Russia were there to die.

1 in 8 is obviously more damning than 33% but let's not forget one is innocent while the other is part of the worst war machine in the past 100 years

Actually, thousands were put in camps for trying to escape conscription, and many thousand more were executed for speaking out against the regime
and the war, even soldiers fighting on the frontline in Russia. Just a critical sentence about Hitler in a field post letter could get you trialed and shot if
it was found by a censoring office, and there are countless cases of just that happening.

Also hell, even some of the most famous pacifists and resistance fighters were on active duty at one
point or another. Even Hans Scholl was drafted and served in France and Russia, even after the White Rose was founded.

Around 30.000 were executed for refusing to.serve and those are only the ones that were documented. It can be assumed that the actual number was a lot higher as especially during
the end of the war people were often eXecuted without trial.

i mean people had the brains to NOT say no Because if u did, u were considered a traitor and sent to a concetration camp, imprisoned or killed.

Some history-

1941. Hitler is planning an invasion of the ussr to start as soon as the spring mud dries. Due to late rains invasion
is delayed for over a month. Hitler sends panzer units to Yugoslavia to sort out a mess Mussolini had created.

This is often mistakenly reported as the diversion delaying the
invasion of the ussr but the delay allowed the diversion instead.
June 22 1941. Invasion of ussr starts. Actually since the starting point was central Poland they didn't get to the
actual ussr until a little later. The army was divided into three Army Groups- North (smallest) Center (largest) and South (middle). Army Group North was to go northeast, clear the Baltic
states and ultimately take Leningrad. On reaching they spent the rest of the war besieging it and don't do anything interesting.

Army Group Center was to head due east with the.objective of Moscow. They get close but are faced with insurmountable logistical hurdles (Red armies sitting on rail lines they can't bypass holding them up for months at places like Smolensk) and a major Russian counteroffensive in december. Having failed to reach
Moscow in 1941 they do little for the test of the war.

Army Group South was to head southeast and clear western Ukraine with the objective of Sevastopol. The
Siege of Sevastopol finally ends 2 July 1942. At this point Hitler splits Army Group South into Army Group A and
Army Group B(=6th Army + 4th Panzer Army). Army Group A was to clear the Caucasus while Army GroupB was to take Stalingrad and cover the northern flank.

Army Group B enters Stalingrad around the beginning of September. Stavka (= Russian Pentagon) throws
everything they can scrape up to defend the city.

Resistance is fanatical. The Germans make slow but steady progress as they have too many tanks and not
enough infantry. Tanks are much weaker in cities. Infantry
is king.

Starting in october Stavka stops sending all they can get their hands on into the city and only sends enough to keep the local commander (Chuikov) barely holding on to the last few blocks by his (and his men's...) bloody fingernails.

In November Marshall Zhukov launches Operation Uranus
with the troops Stavka hasn't been sending into the city. This destroys the Romanian armies to the north and south of the city and completely surrounds and cuts off 6th. Army and 4th Panzer Army except by air. Hitler explicitly orders them not to withdraw from the city to break out of
the encirclement. He has General Manstein scrounge up scratch forces to break the siege. They try but fail.
Around 31 Jan 1943 the last freezing sick starving lice infested remnants of Army Group B finally surrender.

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