I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...




Janet Horne, accused of witchcraft, she was brutally beaten and stoned and was the last person to execute legally for witchcraft in the British Isles. Women have been stoned, banished, disowned, beheaded and for speaking up and being visible. 

That’s right, literally burned alive while tied to a wooden stake with rope. Yes. 

Janet Horne, accused of witchcraft, died in 1727 as the last person to be executed legally for witchcraft in the British Isles.

Barbara Zdunk was burned to death for witchcraft in 1811 in Prussia, todays Poland; 

Maria Renata Saenger von Mossau was one of the last to be executed for witchcraft in Germany in 1749; 

Catherine Repond was strangled and burned to death for withcraft in Switzerland in 1731; Maria Pauer, the last person executed for witchcraft in Austria, was beheaded in 1750; 

Anna Eriksdotter, the last person executed for sorcery in Sweden, was killed in 1704 and Bridget Cleary was killed for witchcraft in Ireland in 1895. That’s almost the 1900’s.

Let that sink all the way in. Breathe. Next time you want to go to harsh self-abuse for not "getting it by now" or "doing it by now" think again. 

Get curious as to where your blocks are coming from. We now know that the "witchcraft" these women were burned and butchered for practicing was: healing people, knowing things, seeing things, saying things and owning their sex.

Many of us have stepped or been shoved into a "nice girl" jail cell and have eaten up the lie that as long as we stay in there we're "#safe."

 Safe from what and from whom? This may be our history but it is not our present reality across much of the world. 

Are you ready to break out of your collective conscious, ancestral and societally programmed fears to fully OWN your #power and your #YES to life, desire, abundance, love and creation? " 

by Alexis Lauren Ware

Then choose yourself! Get out of the Nice Girl Jail Break.

Go inside, get to the root of these subconscious beliefs and fears so that you are empowered to bust yourself out to your own damn destiny without anything holding you back! Claim ur resistance!!! 

 Eye-opening photos of executions torturers from Nazi camp The Holocaust is a dark chapter in human history, and the atrocities committed during that time are almost incomprehensible. However, one aspect that is often overlooked is the punishment meted out to the perpetrators of those crimes.  A recently discovered collection of photographs provides a glimpse into the executions of Nazi war criminals, many of whom were responsible for running the concentration camps where millions of innocent people were murdered. The images in this collection are not for the faint of heart. They depict men and women who committed unspeakable acts of cruelty, receiving their just deserts.  These photographs serve as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, justice will be served. They also serve as a warning to all those who would engage in similar conduct in the future that there will be consequences for their actions. The release of these photographs is also a call to action. It is important tha

Brunhilda was a Visigothic princess who married into the Frankish royal family during the Dark Ages. She was known for her ambitious nature and political savvy, and was involved in several power struggles during her time in power. Brunhilda married multiple times and was said to be responsible for the deaths of ten Frankish kings, which earned her many enemies. One of Brunhilda's greatest enemies was King Clotaire II, who sought to avenge his family and reunite the Frankish territories by eliminating her as an opponent. After years of conflict, Clotaire finally captured Brunhilda and subjected her to a brutal execution. According to Medieval accounts, she was dragged by a mare down a road, humiliated in front of the army, and then had her limbs and hair tied to horses in order to tear her apart. Finally, her remains were burned. Despite her violent end, Brunhilda was also known for her political accomplishments. She was involved in the creation of a law code that became the basis

 A girl was living with her uncle because her parents died of HIV. She was the only child of her mother's belly.  She was educated by her uncle from kindergarten to class 4 and when the girl was in class 4, her uncle saw that the girl was beautiful.  One night, he went to the girl's room and told her that if she didn't play with him, he would take her away from home and stop paying her tuition fees. The girl tried to cry for her uncle, but he refused to understand.  The young girl agreed to leave her uncle's place and went to the street suffering, while crying, being hungry, lonely and the last option she had was to get on her knees and pray to God until What God answers to prayer.  A woman came by car and saw the young girl praying. She stopped and asked the girl to get in the car. She took the girl and brought her back to school, she bought it all for her as a girl.  The girl has completed her studies and, as we speak, she completed her university studies and worked a

 Colonial Masters Posing with Women in the 70s. Here is the moment when the colonial masters are posing with women... Read story.  Hammock boys carry a railway engineer/track inspector in colonial Nigeria, 1910. Hammock boys, as they were referred to by the colonial masters, were paid 25-30 shillings carrying their masters from village to village. “When we speak of ‘shooting’ with a camera, we are acknowledging the kinship of photography and violence.” Teju Cole This visual essay will assess the ways in which early photography was used as a tool to justify Europe’s colonial project in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries, by depicting Black Africans as inferior to white Europeans. It will also consider how the camera was used during the same period in the United States for a similar purpose, namely, to further the cause of white racial superiority. Africa: photography and the colonial project The invention of photography occurred at a most opportune moment for Europe’s colonial powers

Here are others famous people who suffer the worst execution There’s no pleasant way to be executed - but one particularly barbaric method from the Tudor times has been branded the ‘worst ever’. Throughout history, there’s been no shortage of cruel and inhuman ways to torture people but this one may take the biscuit. The story of Richard Roose is about as grizzly as it gets when it comes to Tudor England's penchant for capital punishment. Check it out:..  In 1531, he was working as a cook for John Fisher, the Bishop of Rochester, and was accused of poisoning his guests while working at his home in Lambeth. It was alleged at the time that he had added some suspicious powder to the guests' porridge, as well as that of two beggers. Everyone was suddenly taken ill, while Roose was said to have run away. While Fisher's guests managed to survive the bout of sickness, the beggers died. According to YouTube channel The Fortress, he was swiftly arrested and taken to the 

War crime hangings at Landsberg in May 1946. With special thanks to Traugott Vitz for his help with this article. Over two days at the end of May 1946, 28 German war criminals were hanged at Landsberg am Lech prison in Germany (US War Criminals Prison No. 1). The Dachau concentration camp was liberated by two divisions of the U.S. Seventh Army on the 29th of April, 1945.  40 members of it staff were tried at the camp by a US General Military Court, presided over by Brigadier General John Lenz. The trials lasted from the 15th of November to the 13th of December 1945.  36 defendants received the death sentence.  Eight of these sentences were reduced to terms of imprisonment by the Reviewing Authority, the remaining 28 death sentences being confirmed. The trial went under the designation “USA against Martin Gerhard Weiß (Weiss) et al.”, Case No. 000-50-2. Martin Gerhard Weiss was the camp commandant at Dachau.  This trial became the “Parent Case” for 488 other trials (all dealing with co

LEST WE FORGET - I was not at Nyadzonia when the Rhodesian Forces attacked...I was at Chimoio. But I was among the platoon of 30 that was dispatched to the camp soon after the news of the attack was received. Thus, I will tell the story of the massacre not as a survivor but as one of the first people who got to the scene immediately after the massacre. Nyadzonia was attacked on the morning of August 9, 1976 but the news only reached Chimoio in the afternoon because the Rhodesians had blown up the bridge over Pungwe River, which was the link with Chimoio. We were sent not as a relief, but a security measure ahead of any help that would come to Nyadzonia. So armed with AKs, light machine-guns and bazookas, we raced to Nyadzonia in four Land-Rovers and an armoured personnel carrier. And at the devastated bridge, we met the first survivors. Among them was the camp commander, the late Moses Mvenge, the politician from Mutare. There was no need to ask him any questions because the tragic s

Most people laughed at the matter, while others felt sorry for the woman and the ridicule that she’s been subject to. Woman Turns To Cassava For Pleasure, Ends Up In Hospital Instead Who needs expensive vibrators when nature has given us an abundance of crops that might provide the same pleasure?  That thought might be cringe-worthy for most but some people actually turn to vegetables like cucumber or eggplant when they don’t have a sex toy and, for them, it works.  But sometimes, even a cucumber is not just enough, they just had to go for something more intense – like a cassava. That’s what exactly happened to one woman, who became the subject of a viral post on social media.  Allegedly, the woman tried to pleasure herself using, not a cucumber, but the edible tuberous root cassava.  The unidentified woman was just one of the people who prefer organic things, including sex toys.

A German concentration camp was no place for women – but the Germans thought otherwise, and designed KL Ravensbrück precisely as a place for women. The camp, for years hidden behind the Iron Curtain and overshadowed by places like Auschwitz, received only cursory mentions in the literature on the German Nazi terror. However, to quote author Sarah Helm, “Just as Auschwitz was the capital of the crime against Jews, so Ravensbrück was the capital of the crime against women.”  Over 100,000 of them went through Ravensbrück, and between 30,000 and 92,000 died there. They came from 20 countries, but the largest group were 40,000 Poles. In the six years of its existence, the camp and the population of the inmates grew severalfold, spawning nearly forty sub-camps, to great satisfaction of Heinrich Himmler, the camp founder. The women were worked to death, beaten, shot, hanged, gassed and experimented on, and most of the dozens of Polish “Beinoperierte” who had their leg muscles cut or bones sp

Poland, Women naked, before their execution The Sonderkommando photographs are four blurred photographs taken secretly in August 1944 inside the Auschwitz concentration camp in German-occupied Poland. 

Along with a few photographs in the Auschwitz Album, they are the only ones known to exist of events around the gas chamber.. Read story  The images were taken within 15–30 minutes of each other by an inmate inside Auschwitz-Birkenau, the extermination camp within the Auschwitz complex. Usually named only as Alex, a Jewish prisoner from Greece, the photographer was a member of the Sonderkommando, inmates forced to work in and around the gas Poland, Women naked, before their execution. 

Several sources identified him as Alberto Errera, a Greek naval officer. He took two shots from inside one of the gas chambers and two outside, shooting from the hip, unable to aim the camera with any precision. The Polish resistance smuggled the film out of the camp in a toothpaste tube. The photographs

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