I earn £50 as a naked cleaner - my partner is okay with it but some of my clients have creepy requests A woman who works as a naked cleaner has revealed the weirdest parts of the job - including clients who are also naked. Lottie Rae, 32, took up the unusual role to make some extra money in 2017, and charges £50 an hour - estimating she's made a few thousand pounds over the years. The British cleaner says in the six years she's been working as a naked cleaner she's had a range of clients - including some who just want company, naturists, and others who 'hope for something more'. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made her feel more body confident and even says it's empowering. Lottie said: 'There's a fair few people who are creepy - a handful of the guys I clean for book cleaners on the premise they will get something else. The cleaner, who describes herself as 'free-spirited' says the role has made he...


A picture from the holocaust that my grandfather put in his scrapbook after returning from the war

A picture from the holocaust that my grandfather put in his scrapbook after returning from the war. Might be definitely NSFL.

A picture from the holocaust that my grandfather put in his scrapbook after returning from the war. Might be NSFW.  Pile of bodies unable to be cremated

Nazi soldier forced to help bury the dead. A display of Nazi guards' "pastime" activities SS Being forced to assist in burials. studies show that WWIl extensively 

shrunken heads elsewhere, but I had never actually I've seen pictures of them until now. Truly monstrous what people have done and are capable of. Sometimes, when l read about/think about WWIl, it feels so long ago, so far away, but in reality, it was 66 years ago, not even one lifetime, a blink of the eye on earth.

The fact that Hitler was alive just brief while ago, that men who fought on all sides of the

conflict still walk the earth, sometimes feels surreal.

Throw your mind back to 1945, the Soviet forces had just defeated the Nazi threat leaving a gigantic power vacuum in central europe; the 'allies' were split with british toryism in charge in the west and the soviet workers army to the east - ideologies weren't going to mesh up in the expected pax-completeum, rows were inevitable but one thing both parties wanted was political control of their new 'empire'; although russia was much more direct when it instated the iron curtain the british empire took equal measures to protect it's new'friends' / 'assets' mostly by installing friendly parties as

puppet dictatorships. The western empire and the soviet post war gambit depended on being the heroic saviour from the demonlike nazi's - this is why it was vitally important to Britain (who remember still had huge mortality rates in their Jewish concentration camps at this point (1946) and the Soviets (who had carried out genocides of their own) to paint the Nazi's as demoniacally evil as possible - The americans of course still had to sell the morality of the war to an american public whod never wanted to join in the first place and weren't entirely happy during the process.

Just a quick note, remember that from many global perspectives the British who'd invented the concentration camp only forty years before to help with the wholesale murder of Boar men, women and children didn't really have a moral leg to stand on - Lord Kitchener the war criminal behind these atrocities was a part of the very same British establishment Churchill was from, indeed Churchill himself had served under Kitchener in Sudan where barbarous offences such as the desecration of the Mahdi's grave.

Further while it was well publicised

Churchill had written to his mother

the immortal lines Our victory was

disgraced by the inhuman slaughter

of the wounded and Lord Kitchener

was responsible for this.' it was

also fairly well known in non-british

media that he'd said 'l am strongly in

favour of using poisoned gas against

uncivilised tribes.' and a rather

cagey secret that he'd written 'I may

certainly have to ask you to support

me in using poison gas. We could

drench the cities of the Ruhr and

many other cities in Germany in such

a way that most of the population

would be requiring constant medical

attention. during the ww2 - certainly

the moral argument might have been

a tricky one were all things to be

considered, lucky for britain no one

wanted to consider all things.

Various bodies within various

establishments grabbed onto

any rumour and blew it out of all

proportions, they paid great sums

of money for evidence which would

make the show case world spectacle

Nuremberg trial as definitive and hard

hitting as possible.

This is how come Andreas Pfaffenberger's statement

was taken as gospel despite

contradictions and absurdities

(claiming to have personally

witnessed someone murder despite

them still being alive), Albert G.

Rosenberg who lead a special

intelligence team called 'Publicity

and Psychological Warfare unit'

and later 'information control' was

instrumental forwarding the physical

evidence which was apparently

retrieved from Buchenwald Camp,

much can be said about his

objectivițy and the credence of his

work, that's before you look at his


An unreliable source seeming to

confirm another unreliable source

isn't exactly the thing of historical

reliability - certainly when we consider

one was an aspiring young US Army

Propagandist no doubt eager to

please and the other was a POW no

doubt eager to please... To make

matters Worse at the Trial justice

Jackson made 'mistakes' concerning

certain key factS which were neve

addressed, when the veracity of

the Pfaffenberger testimony is

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